9999999-devNivo slider widget for Yii2
The Requires
by Amilna
yii2 widget banner nivo
Nivo slider widget for Yii2
A customizable nivo slider plugin for Yii2., (*1)
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer., (*2)
Either run, (*3)
php composer.phar require "amilna/yii2-nivo-slider" "*"
or add, (*4)
"amilna/yii2-nivo-slider" : "*"
to the require section of your application's composer.json
file., (*5)
Since this extensions stil in dev stages, be sure also add following line in composer.json
file., (*6)
In view:, (*7)
use amilna\nivoslider\NivoSlider; echo NivoSlider::widget([ // active data provider or just array of image, url, title and description, exp: [["image"=>"test1.jpg","url"=>null],["image"=>"test2.jpg","url"=>null]] 'targetId'=>'nivoslider', //id of rendered nivoslider (the container will constructed by the widget with the given id) 'imageKey'=>'image', //model attribute to be used as background 'theme' => 'default', //available themes: default, bar, dark, light 'css' => '', // url of css to overide default css relative from @web // example to overide default options more options on 'options'=>[ 'effect'=> 'boxRandom', 'manualAdvance'=>false, 'controlNav'=> false ], ]);
Nivo slider widget for Yii2
yii2 widget banner nivo