Ensures input accessed from a Laravel request object is validated
A request form for Laravel.
Basic Super Classes for PHP
Anax CLI tool.
Standard Class
fetch-array, insert values, etc
Enumeration Classes for PHP
Simple package for feature flagging interface/implementation
Cascading deletes for Eloquent models that implement soft deletes
Config Value Getter for PHP Libraries
Type Strict Vector for PHP
dbwebb cli tool for dbwebb courses and training material.
Soft delete Eloquent pivot models using Laravel SoftDeletes trait.
Personal utility for creation of stuff
This is utility for find diff in two configuration files
An extension of spatie/valuestore with local caching.
A wrapper around spatie/laravel-backup backup command to make it super simple to backup multiple sites on a single server
Cascading deletes for Eloquent models that implement soft deletes
bitmask utility package