Nullable database fields for Laravel
Often times, database fields that are not assigned values are defaulted to null
. This is particularly important when creating records with foreign key constraints., (*1)
Note, the database field must be configured to allow null., (*2)
More recent versions of MySQL will convert the value to an empty string if the field is not configured to allow null. Be aware that older versions may actually return an error., (*3)
Laravel (5.1) does not currently support automatically setting nullable database fields as null
when the value assigned to a given attribute is empty., (*4)
This trait is installed via Composer. To install, simply add it to your composer.json
file:, (*5)
"require": {
"bluecode/laravel-nullable-field": "~0.1"
Then run composer to update your dependencies:, (*6)
$ composer update
In order to use this trait, import it in your Eloquent model, then set the protected $nullable
property as an array of fields you would like to be saved as null
when empty., (*7)
use Bluecode\Traits\NullableField;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class UserProfile extends Model
use NullableField;
protected $nullable = [
Now, any time you are saving a UserProfile
profile instance, any empty attributes that are set in the $nullable
property will be saved as null
., (*8)
$profile = new UserProfile::find(1);
$profile->tel = ' '; // Empty, saved as null
$profile->address = '10 A Street';
If you believe you have found an issue, please report it using the GitHub issue tracker, or better yet, fork the repository and submit a pull request., (*9)
If you're using this package, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!, (*10)