Generate strong passwords you can easily remember, with lots of entropy
Copyright (C) 2014 Gael Abadinbr/
License: MIT Expat
, (*1)
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I wanted to build a class able to pick random words from a dictionary in a safe way,
so they could be suggested as safe passwords (Correct, horse. That's a battery staple)., (*3)
How to use
Basic usage:, (*4)
require_once 'cryptosecureprng/CryptoSecurePRNG.php';
require_once 'dictionary/DictionaryInterface.php';
require_once 'dictionary/Dictionary.php';
require_once 'PasswordGeneratorAbstract.php';
require_once 'PasswordGenerator.php';
$passwordGenerator = new synapp\info\tools\passwordgenerator\PasswordGenerator(); // Expects a dictionary generated from a source on a file named 'top10000.txt'
$password = $passwordGenerator->generatePassword(); // Generates a password with default settings
$entropy = $passwordGenerator->getEntropy(); // entropy of the last generated password (won't change unless you change settings)
That's it. Pretty easy, huh? There are many parameters you can tinker with, though:, (*5)
// Here is a quick debrief on the class constructor parameters (See the phpdoc blocks for more info):
$passwordGenerator = new synapp\info\tools\passwordgenerator\PasswordGenerator(
// the dictionary
// (null defaults to new Dictionary($this->defaultDictionaryFilename,$minReadWordsWordSize))
// with $this->defaultDictionaryFilename set to 'top10000.txt'
$dictionary = null,
// set the level of entropy used when none is explicitly specified on the generatePassword() call
// (null defaults to $this->defaultLevel, set to 2)
$level = 2,
// a string of unique chars from where to randomly choose the password separator
// (null defaults to $this->defaultSeparator, set to ' ')
$separators = ' ',
// an ascending ordered array of ints containing the minimum entropies for each level
// (null defaults to $this->defaultMinEntropies, set to array(64,80,112,128))
$minEntropies = array(64,80,112,128),
// boolean, whether to use selected random variations on the password words to increase entropy
// defaults to true
$useVariations = false,
// (array of booleans which activate random variations on the words, increasing entropy.
// Valid keys: 'allcaps', 'capitalize', 'punctuate', 'addslashes'). Use null for defaults.
$variations = null,
// Minimum length of the words used to create the password
// (null defaults to $this->defaultMinWordSize, set to 4)
$minWordSize = 4,
// Minimum length of the words read from the dictionary source
// (null defaults to $this->defaultMinReadWordsWordSize, set to 4)
$minReadWordsWordSize = 4, //(minimum length of the words read from the Dictionary source)
// the pseudoaleatory random generator (new CryptoSecurePRNG() by default)
$prng = new synapp\info\tools\passwordgenerator\cryptosecureprng\CryptoSecurePRNG()
// generatePassword method takes almost the same parameters as the contructor:
$password = $passwordGenerator->generatePassword(
$dictionary = null, // use null to skip parameters (set to the current setting)
$minEntropy = null, // and here too, and anywhere else when you want to
$level = 1, // specify further parameters like this one
$separators = '_ -', // and this one
$useVariations = true, // and this one
$variations = array( // and this one too
'allcaps'=>true, // (BTW, this system also works in the constructor, where you can
'capitalize'=>true // specify some params and leave others to their defaults using null)
// getEntropy can return a pretty accurate estimate of the entropy of the last generated
// password, but can also be given a password and a set of parameters to extract its entropy
$entropy = $passwordGenerator->getEntropy(
$dictionary = null,
$variationsCount = null,
$lastOrSeparator = true,
$separatorsCount = null
Check the code (or generate the docs using phpdocumentor) if you want more info on tweaks and available parameters., (*6)
Web app
There is also available a little demo web app (passgenController.php, passgenClientController.js and
password_generator.html) you can load by uploading all the files to a public folder on your web server and
pointing your browser to password_generator.html, (*7)
Here is a demo:, (*8)
Caffeine., (*9)
Peter Norvig for being such an awesome professor (Check out his Stanford University course on AI) and
publishing the compilation of the 1/3 million most frequent English words on the natural language corpus data
from where the word list used by the default dictionary source for this project has been derived (Also thanks
to Josh Kaufman too for the tip)., (*10)
Randall Munroe. He is funny, smart, and inspiring. Thanks, Mr. Munroe., (*11)
And that's all for now, folks. If you like this project, feel free to buy me a beer ;-), (*12)
bitcoin: 1A7rSMddjwPbxFW71ZD724YaQLa8HCAJTT, (*13)
dogecoin: DAQBLYtCjBnZ8eGdcaR7kE517Ew5tptUeW, (*14)
paypal:, (*15)
Have fun.-, (*16)