9999999-devMake your test server workflow friendly
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- fguillot/simplelogger ^1.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.1
- sebastian/git ^2.1
- ext-json *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle ^6.2
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- symfony/config ^3.3
- symfony/console ^3.3
- symfony/dependency-injection ^3.3
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.3
- symfony/expression-language ^3.3
- symfony/property-access ^3.3
- symfony/serializer ^3.3
- symfony/yaml ^3.3
The Development Requires
- kubawerlos/types-checker ^1.1
- phing/phing ^2.16
- sebastian/phpcpd ^3.0
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^2.3
- phpstan/phpstan ^0.7.0
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.2
- povils/phpmnd ^1.1
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer ^3.0
by Kuba Werłos
by Marek Żelazny
by Szymon Dudziak
1.1.0 your test server workflow friendly
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-json *
- fguillot/simplelogger ^1.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle ^6.2
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- sebastian/git ^2.1
- symfony/config ^3.3
- symfony/console ^3.3
- symfony/dependency-injection ^3.3
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.3
- symfony/expression-language ^3.3
- symfony/property-access ^3.3
- symfony/serializer ^3.3
- symfony/yaml ^3.3
The Development Requires
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^2.3
- kubawerlos/types-checker ^1.1
- phing/phing ^2.16
- phpstan/phpstan ^0.7.0
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.2
- povils/phpmnd ^1.1
- sebastian/phpcpd ^3.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer ^3.0
by Marek Żelazny
1.0.0 your test server workflow friendly
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-json *
- fguillot/simplelogger ^1.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle ^6.2
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- sebastian/git ^2.1
- symfony/config ^3.3
- symfony/console ^3.3
- symfony/dependency-injection ^3.3
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.3
- symfony/expression-language ^3.3
- symfony/property-access ^3.3
- symfony/serializer ^3.3
- symfony/yaml ^3.3
The Development Requires
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^2.3
- kubawerlos/types-checker ^1.1
- phing/phing ^2.16
- phpstan/phpstan ^0.7.0
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.2
- povils/phpmnd ^1.1
- sebastian/phpcpd ^3.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer ^3.0
by Marek Żelazny