9999999-devPrimary dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
GPL-2.0+ GPL-2.0-or-later
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^3.0.0
- endroid/qr-code ^3.0
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier ^4.8.0
- firebase/php-jwt ^5.0.0
- geekwright/po ^2.0
- geekwright/regdom ^1.0
- kint-php/kint ^2.0
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.4.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.7.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- moneyphp/money ^3.0
- monolog/monolog ^1.20.0
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >7.1
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^6.0
- psr/log 1.0.*
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic ^3
- smarty/smarty ^3.1
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
- webmozart/assert ^1.2
v0.3.3 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^3.0.0
- endroid/qr-code ^3.0
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier ^4.8.0
- firebase/php-jwt ^5.0.0
- geekwright/po ^2.0
- geekwright/regdom ^1.0
- kint-php/kint ^2.0
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.4.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.7.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- moneyphp/money ^3.0
- monolog/monolog ^1.20.0
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >7.1
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^6.0
- psr/log 1.0.*
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic ^3
- smarty/smarty ^3.1
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
- webmozart/assert ^1.2
v0.3.2 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^3.0.0
- endroid/qr-code 1.9.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier ^4.8.0
- firebase/php-jwt ^5.0.0
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- geekwright/regdom ^1.0
- kint-php/kint ^2.0
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.4.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.7.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- moneyphp/money ^3.0
- monolog/monolog ^1.20.0
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat ^2
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >7.1
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2
- psr/log 1.0.*
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic ^2
- smarty/smarty ^3.1
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
- webmozart/assert ^1.2
v0.3.1 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^3.0.0
- endroid/qr-code 1.9.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier ^4.8.0
- firebase/php-jwt ^5.0.0
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- geekwright/regdom ^1.0
- kint-php/kint ^2.0
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.4.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.7.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- moneyphp/money ^3.0
- monolog/monolog ^1.20.0
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat ^2
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >7.1
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2
- psr/log 1.0.*
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic ^2
- smarty/smarty ^3.1
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
- webmozart/assert ^1.2
v0.3.0 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^3.0.0
- endroid/qr-code 1.9.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier ^4.8.0
- firebase/php-jwt ^5.0.0
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- geekwright/regdom ^1.0
- kint-php/kint ^2.0
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.4.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.7.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- moneyphp/money ^3.0
- monolog/monolog ^1.20.0
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat ^2
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >7.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2
- psr/log 1.0.*
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic ^2
- smarty/smarty ^3.1
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
- webmozart/assert ^1.2
v0.2.14 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^3.0.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.9.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier ^4.8.0
- firebase/php-jwt ^5.0.0
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- geekwright/regdom ^1.0
- kint-php/kint ^2.0
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.4.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- moneyphp/money ^3.0
- monolog/monolog ^1.20.0
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat ^2
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >5.5.9
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2.14
- psr/log 1.0.*
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic ^2
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
- webmozart/assert ^1.2
v0.2.12 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^3.0.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.9.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier ^4.8.0
- firebase/php-jwt ^5.0.0
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kint-php/kint ^1.0
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.4.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- moneyphp/money ^3.0
- monolog/monolog ^1.20.0
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat ^2
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >5.5.9
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2.14
- psr/log 1.0.*
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic ^2
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
- webmozart/assert ^1.2
v0.2.11 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^3.0.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.9.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier ^4.8.0
- firebase/php-jwt ^4.0.0
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.4.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- moneyphp/money ^3.0
- monolog/monolog ^1.20.0
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >5.5.9
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2.14
- psr/log 1.0.*
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
- webmozart/assert ^1.2
v0.2.10 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^2.6.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.9.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier ^4.8.0
- firebase/php-jwt ^4.0.0
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.4.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- moneyphp/money ^3.0
- monolog/monolog ^1.20.0
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >5.5.9
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2.14
- psr/log 1.0.*
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
v0.2.9 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^2.6.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.7.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier ^4.8.0
- firebase/php-jwt ^4.0.0
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.3.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- monolog/monolog ^1.20.0
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >5.5.9
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2.14
- psr/log 1.0.*
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
v0.2.8 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^2.6.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.7.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier ^4.8.0
- firebase/php-jwt ^4.0.0
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.3.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- monolog/monolog ^1.20.0
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >5.5.9
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2.14
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
v0.2.7 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^2.6.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.7.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier ^4.8.0
- firebase/php-jwt ^4.0.0
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.3.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- monolog/monolog 1.20.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >5.5.9
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2.14
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
v0.2.6 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^2.6.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.7.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.7.*
- firebase/php-jwt 3.0.*
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.3.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- monolog/monolog 1.20.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >5.5.9
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2.14
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
v0.2.5 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^2.6.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.6.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.7.*
- firebase/php-jwt 3.0.*
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.3.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- monolog/monolog 1.19.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >5.5.9
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2.14
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
v0.2.4 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^2.6.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.6.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- firebase/php-jwt 3.0.*
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.2.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- monolog/monolog 1.19.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php ~
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >5.5.9
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2.14
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image ^2.2
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer ^5.4
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
v0.2.3 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed ^2.6.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.6.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- firebase/php-jwt 3.0.*
- geekwright/po ^1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.2.*
- maximebf/debugbar ^1.11
- monolog/monolog 1.19.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php ~
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >5.5.9
- phpmailer/phpmailer ^5.2.14
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.*
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
v0.2.2 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed 2.5.*
- endroid/qrcode 1.6.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- firebase/php-jwt 3.0.*
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.2.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.18.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php ~
- patchwork/jsqueeze ~2.0.5
- patchwork/utf8 ^1.3
- php >5.5.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.*
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.*
- symfony/console ^3.0
- symfony/process ^3.0
- symfony/yaml ^3.0
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
v0.2.1 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed 2.5.*
- endroid/qrcode 1.6.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- firebase/php-jwt 3.0.*
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.2.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.18.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php ~
- patchwork/jsqueeze 2.0.3
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.5.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.*
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.*
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
v0.2.0 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed 2.5.*
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- firebase/php-jwt 3.0.*
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.2.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php ~
- patchwork/jsqueeze 2.0.3
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.5.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.*
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.*
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.14.*
v0.1.22 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed 2.5.*
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- firebase/php-jwt 3.0.*
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.2.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php ~
- patchwork/jsqueeze 2.0.3
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.5.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.*
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.*
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.13.*
v0.1.21 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed 2.5.*
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- firebase/php-jwt 3.0.*
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.2.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oyejorge/less.php ~
- patchwork/jsqueeze 2.0.3
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.5.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.10
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- raveren/kint 1.0.10
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.13.*
v0.1.20 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed 2.5.*
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- firebase/php-jwt 3.0.*
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.2.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- oyejorge/less.php ~
- patchwork/jsqueeze 2.0.3
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.5.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.10
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.13.*
v0.1.19 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed 2.5.*
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.6.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.2.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- oyejorge/less.php ~
- patchwork/jsqueeze 2.0.3
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.5.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.10
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.13.*
v0.1.18 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- embed/embed 2.5.*
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/lessphp 0.5.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.3.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.2.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/jsqueeze 2.0.3
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.4.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.10
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.13.*
v0.1.17 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/lessphp 0.5.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.3.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- mathiasverraes/money 1.2.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/jsqueeze 2.0.3
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.4.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.10
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.13.*
v0.1.16 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/lessphp 0.5.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.3.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/jsqueeze 2.0.3
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.4.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.10
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.13.*
v0.1.15 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.*
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.3.*
- leafo/lessphp 0.5.*
- leafo/scssphp 0.3.*
- league/container ~2.0
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.*
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/jsqueeze 2.0.3
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.4.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.10
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.13.*
v0.1.14 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.*
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- league/container ~1.3
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/jsqueeze 2.0.3
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.4.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.10
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.27
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.13.*
v0.1.13 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.*
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- league/container ~1.3
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/jsqueeze dev-master
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.4.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.10
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.27
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.13.*
v0.1.12 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.*
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- league/container ~1.3
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/jsqueeze dev-master#5600fc87af77c81686b963db38a3f34dfd269704
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.4.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.10
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.27
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.13.*
v0.1.11 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- geekwright/po ~1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.*
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- league/container ~1.3
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.15.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.4.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.10
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.6.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.27
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.4.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.13.*
v0.1.10 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- geekwright/po 1.0.*
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.*
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- league/container ~1.3
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.12.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.4.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.9
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.5.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.24
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.3.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.12.*
v0.1.9 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- geekwright/po 1.0.*
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- ircmaxell/random-lib ~1.1
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.*
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- league/container ~1.3
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.12.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >5.4.0
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.9
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- punic/punic 1.5.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.21
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.3.1
- symfony/console ~2.4
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.12.*
v0.1.8 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- endroid/qrcode 1.5.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.*
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.12.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.2.*
- php >=5.3.7
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.9
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.21
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.3.1
- symfony/process 2.6.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.12.*
v0.1.7 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- endroid/qrcode 1.4.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.0
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.12.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- php >=5.3.7
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.9
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.21
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.3.1
- symfony/process 2.4.*
- symfony/yaml 2.6.*
- 6.2.*
- tedivm/stash 0.12.*
v0.1.6 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.4.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.0
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.10.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- php >=5.3.7
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.9
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- smarty/smarty 3.1.21
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.3.1
- symfony/process 2.4.*
- symfony/yaml 2.4.*
- 6.0.*
- tedivm/stash 0.12.*
v0.1.5 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.4.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.0
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.10.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- php >=5.3.7
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.9
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- smarty/smarty 2.6.28
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.3.1
- symfony/process 2.4.*
- symfony/yaml 2.4.*
- 6.0.*
- tedivm/stash 0.12.*
v0.1.4 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.4.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.0
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.10.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- php >=5.3.7
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.9
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- smarty/smarty 2.6.28
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.3.1
- symfony/process 2.4.*
- symfony/yaml 2.4.*
- 6.0.*
- tedivm/stash 0.12.*
v0.1.3 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.3.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.0
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.10.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- php >=5.3.7
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.9
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- smarty/smarty 2.6.28
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.3.1
- symfony/process 2.4.*
- symfony/yaml 2.4.*
- 6.0.*
- tedivm/stash 0.12.*
v0.1.2 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.0
- endroid/qrcode 1.3.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.0
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.10.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- php >=5.3.7
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.9
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.3.0
- symfony/process 2.4.*
- symfony/yaml 2.4.*
- 6.0.*
- tedivm/stash 0.12.*
v0.1.1 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.3
- endroid/qrcode 1.3.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|~1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.0
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.10.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- php >=5.3.7
- phpmailer/phpmailer 5.2.9
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer 5.3.0
- symfony/process 2.4.*
- symfony/yaml 2.4.*
- 6.0.*
- tedivm/stash 0.12.*
v0.1.0 dependencies for XOOPS/XoopsCore
The Requires
- dflydev/apache-mime-types 1.0.*
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.3
- endroid/qrcode 1.3.*
- ext-pcre *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-session *
- ircmaxell/password-compat ~1.0
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser =1.3.1|=1.4.6
- kriswallsmith/assetic 1.2.0
- leafo/lessphp ~0.5.0
- leafo/scssphp ~0.1.1
- lmammino/jsmin4assetic 1.0.*
- maximebf/debugbar 1.10.*
- monolog/monolog 1.10.*
- natxet/cssmin 3.0.2
- oodle/krumo 0.5.*
- patchwork/utf8 1.1.*
- php >=5.3.7
- psr/log 1.0.0
- ptachoire/cssembed 1.0.*
- stefangabos/zebra_image 2.2.4
- symfony/process 2.4.*
- symfony/yaml 2.4.*
- 6.0.*
- tedivm/stash 0.12.*
The Development Requires