Cucumber 10.0.x-dev, (*1)
Cucumber Project
Cucumber Automated Functional Acceptance Testing Management system, (*2)
The console dashboard system was built on top of Drupal, as it has many options, tools, frameworks, and configuration management, which are needed in building solutions., (*3)
Helps in speeding up the work of having Functional Automated Acceptance Testing for products to ship websites in a swift way., (*4)
, (*5)
We LOVE to help with:
- Setup of Automated Functional Testing configurations for projects.
- Writing Cucumber descriptions, Gherkin scripts for web apps.
- Development of Webship-js using Nightwatch.js, Cucumber-js with custom and advanced general step definitions.
- Setup Selenium robot servers, and Web-drivers to work on a local development, CircleCI, Github Actions, Gitlab-CI, Travis-CI, Bitbucket Pipelines and private CI/CD servers.
First you need to install composer., (*6)
Note: The instructions below refer to the global composer installation.
You might need to replace composer
with php composer.phar
(or similar)
for your setup., (*7)
To install the dev version of Cucumber 10.0.x run this command:, (*8)
composer create-project webship/cucumber-project:10.0.x-dev WEBSITE_NAME --stability dev --no-interaction