, (*1)
ultra-light fast php framework powered by:
composer create-project webdevlabs/phreak
, (*2)
Serve app localy with the built-in PHP web server
php -S localhost:8000 -t public
, (*3)
Very simple and understandable using the Namespace as file path. All directory names are converted to lowercase, file cases are kept as written.
Example:, (*4)
use App\Controllers\Front;
will autoload the file \app\controllers\Front.php, (*5)
Simple Routing
Calls the App\Controllers\User::displayUser($id) method with {id} parameter as an argument, (*6)
$router->get('/users/{id}', ['App\Controllers\User','displayUser']);
Controller Routing
Calls the App\Controllers\Front.php with the proper request method., (*7)
$router->controller('/', 'App\Controllers\Front');
- GET request on http://host/login will call the App\Controllers\Front::getLogin() method.
- POST request on http://host/login will call the App\Controllers\Front::postLogin() method.
- GET request on http://host/article/some-article-uri will call the App\Controllers\Front::getArticle($uri) method with $uri parameter as an argument.
Advanced Routing
Calls class App\Models\Auth
with method checkLogin()
and break on return false
., (*8)
$router->filter('auth', ['App\Models\Auth','checkLogin']);
Group all requests under http://host/profile/ through filter, (*9)
function ($router) {
$router->controller('/', 'App\Controllers\Account\Profile');
More advanced routings can be found at Phroute's page., (*10)
public function postComment ()
$input = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$val = new \System\Validation($input);
$val->addRule('name', 'Empty name field', ['required']);
$val->addRule('comment', 'Empty comment field', ['required','minLength=5']);
$val->addRule('comment', 'Comment too big', ['maxLength=500']);
if ($val->validate()) {
echo 'Comment post ok';
} else {
Simple controller
namespace App\Controllers;
use System\Template;
use System\Language;
class Front
private $template;
private $language;
public function __construct (Template $template, Language $language)
$this->template = $template;
$this->language = $language;
public function getIndex()
$this->template->assign('title', 'Phreak!');
$this->template->assign('languages', $this->language->available_languages);
More advanced examples can be found in the 'modules' directory., (*11)
use System\Event;
class ... {
public function __construct (Event $event)
$this->event = $event;
$this->event->bind('someEventName', function () { echo "stay foolish"; });
public function getSome () {
You now have different options for managing your database. There are 2 existing database drivers.
Sample database wrapper class DB:: and the well known database mapper Eloquent., (*12)
You control what database driver to load directly from config/database.php, (*13)
Example PDO driver fetch queries:, (*14)
* Result: single column
* $count = DB::column('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `user`);
* Result: an array(key => value) results (i.e. for making a selectbox)
* $pairs = DB::pairs('SELECT `id`, `username` FROM `user`);
* Result: a single row result
* $user = DB::row('SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` = ?', array($user_id));
* Result: a single row result
* $user = DB::row('SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` = :varname', array(":varname"=>"some variable"));
* Result: an array of results
* $banned_users = DB::fetch('SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `banned` = ?', array(TRUE));
* Result: any query
* $dosql = DB::query('UPDATE `settigs` WHERE `setid`=?', ['somesetid']);
* Result: insert user
* DB::insert('users', ['username'=>'test','password'=>'testpass']);
* Result: update user password where user_id = 1
* DB::update('users', ['password'=>'testpass'], '1', 'user_id');
The new available method for managing your database is Eloquent (from the Laravel framework).
The *Eloquent ORM* provides a beautiful, simple ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database. Each database table has a corresponding "Model" which is used to interact with that table. Models allow you to query for data in your tables, as well as insert new records into the table.
*Examples of phreak eloquent usage can be found at the '**modules/eloq**' made for demonstration.*
Full documentation can be found at [Eloquent's]( page.
### Console Commands
You can also execute phreak controllers from your console/crontab by calling the console.php file where the parameters are the filename of the controller.
**Calls the App\Commands\SomeController.php with the proper request method.**
php console.php SomeController
All console controllers are located in the "app/commands" folder. The folder location is defined in the 'app/ConsoleController.php' and can be changed., (*15)