's official PHP library
Getting started
Below is a simple PHP script which illustrate the minimum amount of code needed to getting started., (*1)
try {
$label = new Pakkelabels('api_user', 'api_key');
} catch (PakkelabelsException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Once the $label object is created, you can begin to use the API., (*2)
To see the current balance:, (*3)
echo $label->balance();
To list all Post Danmark shipments sent to to Denmark:, (*4)
$labels = $label->shipments(array('shipping_agent' => 'pdk', 'receiver_country' => 'DK'));
To display the PDF for the shipment ID with 42 inline in the browser:, (*5)
$base64 = $label->pdf(42);
$pdf = base64_decode($base64);
header('Content-type: application/pdf');
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="label.pdf"');
echo $pdf;
To create a test shipment with Post Danmark, and then output the Track&Trace number of the newly created shipment:, (*6)
'weight' => '1000',
'receiver_name' => 'John Doe',
'receiver_address1' => 'Some Street 42',
'receiver_zipcode' => '5230',
'receiver_city' => 'Odense M',
'receiver_country' => 'DK',
'sender_name' => 'John Wayne',
'sender_address1' => 'The Batcave 1',
'sender_zipcode' => '5000',
'sender_city' => 'Odense C',
'sender_country' => 'DK',
'shipping_product_id' => '51',
'services' => '11,12',
'receiver_mobile' => '004560708090',
'receiver_email' => '',
'test' => 'true' // Change to false when going live
$shipment = $label->create_shipment($data);
echo 'Track&Trace: ' . $shipment['pkg_no'];
Youâll notice that we supply a shipping_product_id and a list of services. In this case, 51 is the ID of âPrivatpakke u. omdelingâ (without delivery)
The service with ID 11 is email notification, and 12 is sms notification., (*7)
To find the IDs of the products and services:, (*8)
$data = array(
'country' => 'DK',
To find pickup point within a zipcode for a certain shipping agent:, (*9)
$data = array(
'agent' => 'pdk',
'zipcode' => '5240',
'country' => 'DK',