9999999-deveCommerce Platform for Growth (Community Edition)
OSL-3.0 AFL-3.0
The Requires
- composer/composer @alpha
- mailchimp/mc-magento2 ^1.0
- php-cuong/magento2-regions-manager ^2.2
- prince/module-productattachment ^1.0
- smile/elasticsuite ^2.5
- ticketgod/module-category-import-export ^1.0
- ticketgod/module-custom-product-attribute-export ^1.0
- ticketgod/module-reindex ^1.0
- magento/product-community-edition 2.2.3
- apptrian/facebook-pixel ^2.1
- lillik/magento2-price-decimal ^1.0
- weltpixel/module-google-tag-manager ^1.5
The Development Requires
- phpunit/phpunit ~6.2.0
- phpmd/phpmd @stable
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.2.0
- lusitanian/oauth ~0.8.10
- sebastian/phpcpd 2.0.4
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 3.2.2
- pdepend/pdepend 2.5.2
2.2.3 Platform for Growth (Community Edition)
OSL-3.0 AFL-3.0
The Requires
- magento/product-community-edition 2.2.3
- composer/composer @alpha
- apptrian/facebook-pixel ^2.1
- lillik/magento2-price-decimal ^1.0
- mailchimp/mc-magento2 ^1.0
- php-cuong/magento2-regions-manager ^2.2
- prince/module-productattachment ^1.0
- smile/elasticsuite ^2.5
- ticketgod/module-category-import-export ^1.0
- ticketgod/module-custom-product-attribute-export ^1.0
- ticketgod/module-reindex ^1.0
- weltpixel/module-google-tag-manager ^1.5
The Development Requires
- phpunit/phpunit ~6.2.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 3.2.2
- phpmd/phpmd @stable
- pdepend/pdepend 2.5.2
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.2.0
- lusitanian/oauth ~0.8.10
- sebastian/phpcpd 2.0.4
2.2.2 Platform for Growth (Community Edition)
OSL-3.0 AFL-3.0
The Requires
- magento/product-community-edition 2.2.2
- composer/composer @alpha
- mailchimp/mc-magento2 ^1.0
- php-cuong/magento2-regions-manager ^2.2
- prince/module-productattachment ^1.0
- smile/elasticsuite ^2.5
- ticketgod/module-category-import-export ^1.0
- ticketgod/module-custom-product-attribute-export ^1.0
- ticketgod/module-reindex ^1.0
The Development Requires
- phpunit/phpunit ~6.2.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 3.1.1
- phpmd/phpmd @stable
- pdepend/pdepend 2.5.0
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.2.0
- lusitanian/oauth ~0.8.10
- sebastian/phpcpd 2.0.4