2017 © Pedro Peláez

project class-grapher

Generate a basic class diagram in GraphViz DOT format from PHP files



Generate a basic class diagram in GraphViz DOT format from PHP files

  • Monday, April 3, 2017
  • by sixtynine.db
  • Repository
  • 1 Watchers
  • 7 Stars
  • 0 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 0 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 3 Versions
  • 0 % Grown


Class Grapher Build Status

This code is distributed under the MIT license., (*1)

This application will generate a basic class diagram in GraphViz DOT format from the PHP files found in the path given as parameter., (*2)

The goal of the project is not to get an exact and detailed UML view, but rather to provide the programmer with a quick way to figure out how some code is structured., (*3)

The grapher does not use PHP reflection so that there is no need to actually instanciate the classes that will be shown in the diagram. It means you can graph any set of PHP files, even if there are missing dependencies., (*4)

The grapher supports namespaced PHP 5.3. However, to reduce the width of the rendered graph, the full namespaces are not shown in the diagram. This can easily be changed in the GraphVizBuilder::addNode method., (*5)


This code uses external components that will be installed with composer., (*6)

Download composer

See http://packagist.org/, (*7)

You have to put the composer.phar file in the root directory of the project., (*8)

cd project_dir # The folder where you have put the ClassGrapher files
wget http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
chmod +x composer.phar

Install the vendors

./composer.phar install


Assumed you have ImageMagick installed you can run the following command to generate a class diagram of the class grapher code:, (*9)

php grapher.php lazyguy:graph src/ | dot -T png | display

Running the tests

phpunit -c src/LazyGuy/ClassGrapher/Tests/

The Versions

03/04 2017


9999999-dev https://sixty-nine.github.io/class-grapher/

Generate a basic class diagram in GraphViz DOT format from PHP files

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Daniele Barsotti

php class graph uml

03/04 2017


dev-refactoring https://sixty-nine.github.io/class-grapher/

Generate a basic class diagram in GraphViz DOT format from PHP files

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Daniele Barsotti

php class graph uml