9999999-devPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
proprietary LGPL-3.0-only
The Requires
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- php ^7.1
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- ext-pcntl *
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- leafo/scssphp ^0.7.5
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
- ocramius/proxy-manager 2.1.*
- white-october/pagerfanta-bundle ^1.1
- misd/phone-number-bundle ^1.3
- doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle ^2.4
- friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle ^2.1
- knplabs/knp-menu-bundle ^2.2
- liip/imagine-bundle ^1.9
- symfony/swiftmailer-bundle ^3.2
- jms/serializer-bundle ^1.2 || ^2.0
- sylius/grid-bundle ^1.1
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-accountPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- ocramius/proxy-manager 2.1.*
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- leafo/scssphp ^0.7.5
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
- white-october/pagerfanta-bundle ^1.1
- misd/phone-number-bundle ^1.3
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-user-storyPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- leafo/scssphp ^0.7.5
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-product-variantsPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- leafo/scssphp ^0.7.5
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-product-descriptionPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- leafo/scssphp ^0.7.5
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-contactPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- leafo/scssphp ^0.7.5
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-product-optionsPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- leafo/scssphp ^0.7.5
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-product-integrationPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- leafo/scssphp ^0.7.5
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
0.4.4 Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- leafo/scssphp ^0.7.5
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-mailingPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- leafo/scssphp ^0.7.5
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-ui-builderPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-viewPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- leafo/scssphp ^0.7.5
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-resourcePlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-uiPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- symfony/symfony 3.4.*
- leafo/scssphp ^0.7.5
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.4
dev-wip-resource-routingPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle ^2.1
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
0.4.3 Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
dev-wip-orderPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- ext-curl *
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-zip *
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- php ^7.1
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
dev-wip-productPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- ext-curl *
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-zip *
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- php ^7.1
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
dev-wip-invoicePlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- ext-curl *
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-zip *
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- php ^7.1
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
dev-wip-interfacesPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- ext-curl *
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-zip *
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- php ^7.1
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
dev-wip-groupsPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- ext-curl *
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-zip *
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- php ^7.1
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
dev-wip-french-docPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- bentools/cartesian-product ^1.2
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- ext-curl *
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-pcntl *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-zip *
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- php ^7.1
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
dev-wip-stock-integrationPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
- ext-pcntl *
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
0.4.2 Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- data-uri/twig-extension ^1.0
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
dev-wip-view-descriptionPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- ext-curl *
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-zip *
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- php ^7.1
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
dev-wip-searchPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php ^7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text ^4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle ^1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions ^1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle ^3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle ^3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle ^0.2
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle ^2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ^1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher ^3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle ^2.7
- friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle ^5.0
- doctrine/orm 2.5.*
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle ^1.6
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.0
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
dev-wip-lisemPlatform Is The Sil Dev Platform.
The Requires
- php >=7.1
- ext-exif *
- ext-fileinfo *
- ext-gd *
- ext-pgsql *
- ext-curl *
- ext-intl *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-zip *
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle >=1.6
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle >=1.6
- h4cc/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 ^0.12.3
- h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64 ^0.12.3
- html2text/html2text >=4.0
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ^2.0
- jeroendesloovere/vcard-bundle >=1.2
- knplabs/knp-snappy-bundle ^1.0
- lexik/maintenance-bundle ^2.1
- nelmio/api-doc-bundle ^2.13
- oro/doctrine-extensions >=1.2
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- sensio/generator-bundle >=3.1
- sonata-project/admin-bundle >=3.1
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle >=3.1
- sparkling/vat-bundle >=0.1
- stfalcon/tinymce-bundle >=2.1
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle >=1.2
- sylius/sylius ^1.0
- symfony/event-dispatcher >=3.2
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- twig/twig ^2.0
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle ^2.6
- winzou/state-machine ^0.3.2
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle ^1.2
The Development Requires
- codeception/codeception ^2.3
- mikey179/vfsstream >=1.6
- nelmio/alice ^2.2
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.4
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.0
- symfony/phpunit-bridge >=3.2