5.5.9999999.9999999-dev http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.9.2
- cocur/slugify 3.1
- doctrine/cache 1.6.2
- doctrine/common 2.7.3
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.13
- doctrine/orm 2.5.14
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.14
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.2
- guzzlehttp/psr7 1.4.2
- league/flysystem 1.0.45
- league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 1.0.19
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- mpdf/mpdf 7.0.3
- ocramius/proxy-manager 1.0.2
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.11
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- php-http/curl-client 1.7.1
- php-http/message 1.6.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.2
- superbalist/flysystem-google-storage 6.0.0
- symfony/class-loader 3.4.11
- symfony/config 3.4.11
- symfony/console 3.4.11
- symfony/dependency-injection 3.4.11
- symfony/filesystem 3.4.11
- symfony/finder 3.4.11
- symfony/form 3.4.11
- symfony/http-foundation 3.4.11
- symfony/http-kernel 3.4.11
- symfony/options-resolver 3.4.11
- symfony/process 3.4.11
- symfony/serializer 3.4.11
- symfony/validator 3.4.11
- tedivm/jshrink ^1.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.10
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1.0
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8.9
shop shopware
5.4.9999999.9999999-dev http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.2
- cocur/slugify 2.5
- doctrine/cache 1.6.2
- doctrine/common 2.6.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.13
- doctrine/orm 2.5.14
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.14
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.2
- league/flysystem 1.0.41
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.11
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.2
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.41
- symfony/config 2.8.41
- symfony/console 2.8.41
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.41
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.41
- symfony/finder 2.8.41
- symfony/form 2.8.41
- symfony/http-foundation 2.8.41
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.41
- symfony/process 2.8.41
- symfony/validator 2.8.41
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.2.16
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.4.6 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.2
- cocur/slugify 2.5
- doctrine/cache 1.6.2
- doctrine/common 2.6.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.13
- doctrine/orm 2.5.14
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.14
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.2
- league/flysystem 1.0.41
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.11
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.2
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.41
- symfony/config 2.8.41
- symfony/console 2.8.41
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.41
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.41
- symfony/finder 2.8.41
- symfony/form 2.8.41
- symfony/http-foundation 2.8.41
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.41
- symfony/process 2.8.41
- symfony/validator 2.8.41
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.2.16
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.4.5 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.2
- cocur/slugify 2.5
- doctrine/cache 1.6.2
- doctrine/common 2.6.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.13
- doctrine/orm 2.5.14
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.14
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.2
- league/flysystem 1.0.41
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.11
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.2
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.41
- symfony/config 2.8.41
- symfony/console 2.8.41
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.41
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.41
- symfony/finder 2.8.41
- symfony/form 2.8.41
- symfony/http-foundation 2.8.41
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.41
- symfony/process 2.8.41
- symfony/validator 2.8.41
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.2.16
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.4.4 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.2
- cocur/slugify 2.5
- doctrine/cache 1.6.2
- doctrine/common 2.6.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.13
- doctrine/orm 2.5.14
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.14
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.2
- league/flysystem 1.0.41
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.11
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.2
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.41
- symfony/config 2.8.41
- symfony/console 2.8.41
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.41
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.41
- symfony/finder 2.8.41
- symfony/form 2.8.41
- symfony/http-foundation 2.8.41
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.41
- symfony/process 2.8.41
- symfony/validator 2.8.41
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.2.16
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.5.0-BETA1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.9.2
- cocur/slugify 3.1
- doctrine/cache 1.6.2
- doctrine/common 2.7.3
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.9
- doctrine/orm 2.5.9
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.14
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.2
- guzzlehttp/psr7 ^1.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.41
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- mpdf/mpdf ^7.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.11
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- php-http/curl-client ^1.7
- php-http/message ^1.6
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.2
- symfony/class-loader 3.4.9
- symfony/config 3.4.9
- symfony/console 3.4.9
- symfony/dependency-injection 3.4.9
- symfony/filesystem 3.4.9
- symfony/finder 3.4.9
- symfony/form 3.4.9
- symfony/http-foundation 3.4.9
- symfony/http-kernel 3.4.9
- symfony/process 3.4.9
- symfony/serializer 3.4.9
- symfony/validator 3.4.9
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.10
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1.0
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8.9
shop shopware
v5.4.3 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.2
- cocur/slugify 2.5
- doctrine/cache 1.6.2
- doctrine/common 2.6.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.13
- doctrine/orm 2.5.14
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.14
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.2
- league/flysystem 1.0.41
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.11
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.2
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.34
- symfony/config 2.8.34
- symfony/console 2.8.34
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.34
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.34
- symfony/finder 2.8.34
- symfony/form 2.8.34
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.34
- symfony/process 2.8.34
- symfony/validator 2.8.34
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.2.16
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-labs http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- cocur/slugify ^3.0
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.8
- doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle ^1.3
- egulias/email-validator ~2.1
- league/flysystem ^1.0
- league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 ^1.0
- league/flysystem-azure ^1.0
- lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle ^2.4
- linkorb/jsmin-php 1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=7.1.0
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^5.1
- superbalist/flysystem-google-storage ^5.0
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
- symfony/dotenv ~3.4
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1
- symfony/swiftmailer-bundle ^3.1
- symfony/symfony ~3.4
- twig/extensions ^1.5
- twig/twig ^2.4
- voku/stop-words ^2.0
The Development Requires
- fzaninotto/faker ^1.7
- mbezhanov/faker-provider-collection ^1.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~6.5
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ~3.4
shop shopware
v5.4.2 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.2
- cocur/slugify 2.5
- doctrine/cache 1.6.2
- doctrine/common 2.6.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.13
- doctrine/orm 2.5.14
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.14
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.2
- league/flysystem 1.0.41
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.11
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.2
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.34
- symfony/config 2.8.34
- symfony/console 2.8.34
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.34
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.34
- symfony/finder 2.8.34
- symfony/form 2.8.34
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.34
- symfony/process 2.8.34
- symfony/validator 2.8.34
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.2.16
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.4.1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.2
- cocur/slugify 2.5
- doctrine/cache 1.6.2
- doctrine/common 2.6.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.13
- doctrine/orm 2.5.14
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.14
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.2
- league/flysystem 1.0.41
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.11
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.2
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.34
- symfony/config 2.8.34
- symfony/console 2.8.34
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.34
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.34
- symfony/finder 2.8.34
- symfony/form 2.8.34
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.34
- symfony/process 2.8.34
- symfony/validator 2.8.34
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.2.16
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-PT-8970/5.4/crowdin-import http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.2
- cocur/slugify 2.5
- doctrine/cache 1.6.2
- doctrine/common 2.6.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.13
- doctrine/orm 2.5.14
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.14
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.2
- league/flysystem 1.0.41
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.11
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.2
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.34
- symfony/config 2.8.34
- symfony/console 2.8.34
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.34
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.34
- symfony/finder 2.8.34
- symfony/form 2.8.34
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.34
- symfony/process 2.8.34
- symfony/validator 2.8.34
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.2.16
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.4.0 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.2
- cocur/slugify 2.5
- doctrine/cache 1.6.2
- doctrine/common 2.6.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.13
- doctrine/orm 2.5.14
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.14
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.2
- league/flysystem 1.0.41
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.11
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.2
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.34
- symfony/config 2.8.34
- symfony/console 2.8.34
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.34
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.34
- symfony/finder 2.8.34
- symfony/form 2.8.34
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.34
- symfony/process 2.8.34
- symfony/validator 2.8.34
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.2.16
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-5.3-typos http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.10
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.1
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.31
- symfony/config 2.8.31
- symfony/console 2.8.31
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.31
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.31
- symfony/finder 2.8.31
- symfony/form 2.8.31
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.31
- symfony/process 2.8.31
- symfony/validator 2.8.31
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
5.3.9999999.9999999-dev http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.10
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.1
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.31
- symfony/config 2.8.31
- symfony/console 2.8.31
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.31
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.31
- symfony/finder 2.8.31
- symfony/form 2.8.31
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.31
- symfony/process 2.8.31
- symfony/validator 2.8.31
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.4.0-RC1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.2
- cocur/slugify 2.5
- doctrine/cache 1.6.2
- doctrine/common 2.6.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.13
- doctrine/orm 2.5.14
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.14
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.3.2
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.2
- league/flysystem 1.0.41
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.11
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.2
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.34
- symfony/config 2.8.34
- symfony/console 2.8.34
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.34
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.34
- symfony/finder 2.8.34
- symfony/form 2.8.34
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.34
- symfony/process 2.8.34
- symfony/validator 2.8.34
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.2
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.4
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension v2.2
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.3.7 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.10
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.1
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.31
- symfony/config 2.8.31
- symfony/console 2.8.31
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.31
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.31
- symfony/finder 2.8.31
- symfony/form 2.8.31
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.31
- symfony/process 2.8.31
- symfony/validator 2.8.31
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.3.6 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.10
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.1
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.31
- symfony/config 2.8.31
- symfony/console 2.8.31
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.31
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.31
- symfony/finder 2.8.31
- symfony/form 2.8.31
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.31
- symfony/process 2.8.31
- symfony/validator 2.8.31
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.3.5 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.10
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.1
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.31
- symfony/config 2.8.31
- symfony/console 2.8.31
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.31
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.31
- symfony/finder 2.8.31
- symfony/form 2.8.31
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.31
- symfony/process 2.8.31
- symfony/validator 2.8.31
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-fix-ajax-search-for-direct-match http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.10
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.1
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.31
- symfony/config 2.8.31
- symfony/console 2.8.31
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.31
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.31
- symfony/finder 2.8.31
- symfony/form 2.8.31
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.31
- symfony/process 2.8.31
- symfony/validator 2.8.31
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-add-price-precision-config http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.10
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.1
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.31
- symfony/config 2.8.31
- symfony/console 2.8.31
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.31
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.31
- symfony/finder 2.8.31
- symfony/form 2.8.31
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.31
- symfony/process 2.8.31
- symfony/validator 2.8.31
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-mnaczenski-adds-snippet-for-decimal-precision http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.10
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.1
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.27
- symfony/config 2.8.27
- symfony/console 2.8.27
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.27
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.27
- symfony/finder 2.8.27
- symfony/form 2.8.27
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.27
- symfony/process 2.8.27
- symfony/validator 2.8.27
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.3.4 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader 0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.23.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.10
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.1
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.27
- symfony/config 2.8.27
- symfony/console 2.8.27
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.27
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.27
- symfony/finder 2.8.27
- symfony/form 2.8.27
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.27
- symfony/process 2.8.27
- symfony/validator 2.8.27
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-labs-composer http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- cocur/slugify ^3.0
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle ^1.3
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch ^5.3
- guzzlehttp/guzzle ^6.3
- league/flysystem ^1.0
- league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 ^1.0
- league/flysystem-azure ^1.0
- linkorb/jsmin-php 1.0.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl ^5.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=7.1.0
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0
- superbalist/flysystem-google-storage ^5.0
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
- symfony/dotenv ^3.3
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/swiftmailer-bundle ^2.5
- symfony/symfony ^3.3
- twig/extensions ^1.5
- twig/twig ^2.4
The Development Requires
shop shopware
dev-ntr/labs/travis http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- cocur/slugify ^3.0
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle ^1.3
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch ^5.3
- guzzlehttp/guzzle ^6.3
- league/flysystem ^1.0
- league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 ^1.0
- league/flysystem-azure ^1.0
- linkorb/jsmin-php 1.0.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl ^5.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=7.1.0
- ramsey/uuid ^3.7
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0
- superbalist/flysystem-google-storage ^5.0
- symfony/assetic-bundle ^2.8
- symfony/dotenv ^3.3
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1
- symfony/polyfill-apcu ^1.0
- symfony/swiftmailer-bundle ^2.5
- symfony/symfony ^3.3
- twig/extensions ^1.5
- twig/twig ^2.4
The Development Requires
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^2.6
- fzaninotto/faker ^1.7
- phpunit/phpunit ^6.2
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.1
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.3
shop shopware
5.3.0 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.10
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- roave/security-advisories dev-master
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.1
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.25
- symfony/config 2.8.25
- symfony/console 2.8.25
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.25
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.25
- symfony/finder 2.8.25
- symfony/form 2.8.25
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.25
- symfony/process 2.8.25
- symfony/validator 2.8.25
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-fix-issues-with-ios-on-reinstall http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-mnaczenski-patch-1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-sw-19286/5.3/add-target-for-external-link-category-module http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ocramius/proxy-manager ^1.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.2.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 2.0.10
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- ramsey/uuid 3.5.2
- roave/security-advisories dev-master
- setasign/fpdf 1.8.1
- setasign/fpdi 1.6.1
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
5.2.9999999.9999999-dev http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.27 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.26 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.25 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-mnaczenski-fix-editing-of-unrounded-values http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-mnaczenski-Fix-missing-zipcode-for-shipping-adresses http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.24 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.23 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.22 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.21 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.17
- symfony/config 2.8.17
- symfony/console 2.8.17
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.17
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.17
- symfony/finder 2.8.17
- symfony/form 2.8.17
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.17
- symfony/process 2.8.17
- symfony/validator 2.8.17
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.20 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/process 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.19 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/process 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.18 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/process 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-sw-17657/5.2/fix-travis-build http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/process 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.17 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/process 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~2.0|| ~3.0
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6||~6.0.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.16 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.15 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.14 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.13 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.2.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-NTR-cs-fix-config-php http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.1.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-sw-16671/5.2/autoload-resource-files-via-subscriber http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.1.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ~2.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.12 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^2.0-beta
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.11 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^2.0-beta
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.10 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^2.0-beta
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-SW-16901/5.3/Fix-category-performance http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^2.0-beta
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.9 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^1.12
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-sw-15680/5.2/allow-viewing-core-and-plugin-log-files-in-backend-log-module http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- bcremer/line-reader ^0.1.0
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^1.12
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.6
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.8 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^1.12
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-99-papercuts http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.7 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^1.12
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.6 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.2
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-SW-15526/5.2/Fix-performance-issues http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.5 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.4 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- cocur/slugify 2.2
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-ctype *
- ext-curl *
- ext-date *
- ext-dom *
- ext-gd *
- ext-hash *
- ext-iconv *
- ext-json *
- ext-mbstring *
- ext-openssl *
- ext-pdo *
- ext-pdo_mysql *
- ext-session *
- ext-simplexml *
- ext-xml *
- ext-zip *
- ext-zlib *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- lib-libxml *
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.3 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.1
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.2 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.0
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
5.1.9999999.9999999-dev http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/cache 1.5.1
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- indigophp/hash-compat 1.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.18
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1.0
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
v5.2.1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.0
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.0 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.0
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.0-RC3 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.0
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.2.0-RC2 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.0
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
dev-mnaczenski-fix-missing-word-wrap-for-items-in-documents http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/cache 1.5.1
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- indigophp/hash-compat 1.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.18
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1.0
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
v5.2.0-RC1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.2.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.0
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.4
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.1.6 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/cache 1.5.1
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.0.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- indigophp/hash-compat 1.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.18
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1.0
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
v5.2.0-BETA1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.5.0
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.6.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.4
- doctrine/orm 2.5.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.12
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.1.5
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.3.0
- league/flysystem 1.0.22
- monolog/monolog 1.19.0
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl 2.0.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.4.1
- php ^5.6.4||^7.0
- symfony/class-loader 2.8.6
- symfony/config 2.8.6
- symfony/console 2.8.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.6
- symfony/finder 2.8.6
- symfony/form 2.8.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.6
- symfony/validator 2.8.6
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit ~5.3
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
4.3.9999999.9999999-dev http://http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.1
- doctrine/orm 2.4.1
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.3
- monolog/monolog 1.6.0
- php >=5.3.2
- rhumsaa/array_column ~1.1
- symfony/config 2.4.10
- symfony/console 2.4.10
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.4.10
- symfony/filesystem 2.4.10
- symfony/finder 2.4.10
- symfony/http-kernel 2.4.10
- symfony/validator 2.4.10
The Development Requires
- behat/behat @stable
- behat/mink @stable
- behat/mink-extension @stable
- behat/mink-goutte-driver @stable
- behat/mink-sahi-driver @stable
- phpunit/dbunit @stable
- phpunit/phpunit @stable
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension *
shop shopware
4.3.7 http://http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.1
- doctrine/orm 2.4.1
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.3
- monolog/monolog 1.6.0
- php >=5.3.2
- rhumsaa/array_column ~1.1
- symfony/config 2.4.10
- symfony/console 2.4.10
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.4.10
- symfony/filesystem 2.4.10
- symfony/finder 2.4.10
- symfony/http-kernel 2.4.10
- symfony/validator 2.4.10
The Development Requires
- behat/behat @stable
- behat/mink @stable
- behat/mink-extension @stable
- behat/mink-goutte-driver @stable
- behat/mink-sahi-driver @stable
- phpunit/dbunit @stable
- phpunit/phpunit @stable
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension *
shop shopware
v5.1.5 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/cache 1.5.1
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.0.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- indigophp/hash-compat 1.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.18
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1.0
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
dev-experimental/webtestcase http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/cache 1.6.0
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.1.5
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- league/flysystem 1.0.18
- monolog/monolog 1.17.2
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v2.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- paragonie/random_compat 1.1.5
- php >=5.5.9
- symfony/config 2.8.0
- symfony/console 2.8.0
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.8.0
- symfony/filesystem 2.8.0
- symfony/finder 2.8.0
- symfony/form 2.8.0
- symfony/http-kernel 2.8.0
- symfony/polyfill-php56 1.0.0
- symfony/validator 2.8.0
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~3.1
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~2.0.0-rc1
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.8
shop shopware
v5.1.4 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/cache 1.5.1
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.0.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- indigophp/hash-compat 1.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.18
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat 3.1.0-RC2
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension 2.0.*@dev
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
v5.1.3 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/cache 1.5.1
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.0.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- indigophp/hash-compat 1.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.11
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat 3.0.*@dev
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension 2.0.*@dev
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
v5.1.3-RC1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/cache 1.5.1
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.0.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- indigophp/hash-compat 1.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.11
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat 3.0.*@dev
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension 2.0.*@dev
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
v5.1.2 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/cache 1.5.1
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.0.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- indigophp/hash-compat 1.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.11
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat 3.0.*@dev
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension 2.0.*@dev
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
v5.1.2-RC2 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/cache 1.5.1
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.0.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- indigophp/hash-compat 1.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.11
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat 3.0.*@dev
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension 2.0.*@dev
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
v5.1.2-RC1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/cache 1.5.1
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.0.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- indigophp/hash-compat 1.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.11
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat 3.0.*@dev
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension 2.0.*@dev
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
v5.1.1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.0.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- indigophp/hash-compat 1.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.11
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat 3.0.*@dev
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension 2.0.*@dev
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
v5.1.0 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.0.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- indigophp/hash-compat 1.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.11
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat 3.0.*@dev
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-extension ~2.1
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.3
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension 2.0.*@dev
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
v5.1.0-RC3 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.0.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.11
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.2
- fabpot/goutte ~1.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
5.0.9999999.9999999-dev http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.2
- doctrine/orm 2.4.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.7
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.6.9
- symfony/console 2.6.9
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.6.9
- symfony/filesystem 2.6.9
- symfony/finder 2.6.9
- symfony/http-kernel 2.6.9
- symfony/validator 2.6.9
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.2
- fabpot/goutte ~1.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
shop shopware
v5.1.0-RC2 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- beberlei/assert 2.4.0
- doctrine/common 2.5.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.5.1
- doctrine/orm 2.5.1
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.9
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch 2.0.0
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- league/flysystem 1.0.11
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- ongr/elasticsearch-dsl v1.0.0
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.7.3
- symfony/console 2.7.3
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.7.3
- symfony/filesystem 2.7.3
- symfony/finder 2.7.3
- symfony/http-kernel 2.7.3
- symfony/validator 2.7.3
- zendframework/zend-escaper 2.5.1
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.2
- fabpot/goutte ~1.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
- symfony/dom-crawler ~2.7
shop shopware
v5.0.4 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.2
- doctrine/orm 2.4.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.7
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.6.9
- symfony/console 2.6.9
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.6.9
- symfony/filesystem 2.6.9
- symfony/finder 2.6.9
- symfony/http-kernel 2.6.9
- symfony/validator 2.6.9
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.2
- fabpot/goutte ~1.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
shop shopware
v5.0.4-RC1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.2
- doctrine/orm 2.4.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.7
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.6.9
- symfony/console 2.6.9
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.6.9
- symfony/filesystem 2.6.9
- symfony/finder 2.6.9
- symfony/http-kernel 2.6.9
- symfony/validator 2.6.9
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.2
- fabpot/goutte ~1.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
shop shopware
v5.0.3 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.2
- doctrine/orm 2.4.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.7
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.6.9
- symfony/console 2.6.9
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.6.9
- symfony/filesystem 2.6.9
- symfony/finder 2.6.9
- symfony/http-kernel 2.6.9
- symfony/validator 2.6.9
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.2
- fabpot/goutte ~1.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
shop shopware
v5.0.3-RC1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.2
- doctrine/orm 2.4.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.7
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.6.9
- symfony/console 2.6.9
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.6.9
- symfony/filesystem 2.6.9
- symfony/finder 2.6.9
- symfony/http-kernel 2.6.9
- symfony/validator 2.6.9
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.2
- fabpot/goutte ~1.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
shop shopware
v5.0.2 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.2
- doctrine/orm 2.4.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.7
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.6.9
- symfony/console 2.6.9
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.6.9
- symfony/filesystem 2.6.9
- symfony/finder 2.6.9
- symfony/http-kernel 2.6.9
- symfony/validator 2.6.9
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-selenium2-driver ~1.2
- fabpot/goutte ~1.0
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
shop shopware
v5.0.2-RC1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.2
- doctrine/orm 2.4.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.7
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.6.9
- symfony/console 2.6.9
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.6.9
- symfony/filesystem 2.6.9
- symfony/finder 2.6.9
- symfony/http-kernel 2.6.9
- symfony/validator 2.6.9
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-sahi-driver ~1.1
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
shop shopware
v5.0.1 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.2
- doctrine/orm 2.4.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.7
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.6.6
- symfony/console 2.6.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.6.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.6.6
- symfony/finder 2.6.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.6.6
- symfony/validator 2.6.6
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-sahi-driver ~1.1
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
shop shopware
v5.0.0 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.2
- doctrine/orm 2.4.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.7
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.6.6
- symfony/console 2.6.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.6.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.6.6
- symfony/finder 2.6.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.6.6
- symfony/validator 2.6.6
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-sahi-driver ~1.1
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
shop shopware
v5.0.0-RC3 http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.2
- doctrine/orm 2.4.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.7
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.6.6
- symfony/console 2.6.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.6.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.6.6
- symfony/finder 2.6.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.6.6
- symfony/validator 2.6.6
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-sahi-driver ~1.1
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
shop shopware
v5.0.0-RC2 http://http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.2
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.2
- doctrine/orm 2.4.4
- egulias/email-validator 1.2.7
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 5.1.0
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.4
- monolog/monolog 1.13.1
- oyejorge/less.php
- php >=5.4.0
- ramsey/array_column 1.1.3
- symfony/config 2.6.6
- symfony/console 2.6.6
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.6.6
- symfony/filesystem 2.6.6
- symfony/finder 2.6.6
- symfony/http-kernel 2.6.6
- symfony/validator 2.6.6
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ~2.5
- behat/mink ~1.5
- behat/mink-extension ~1.3
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.0
- behat/mink-sahi-driver ~1.1
- phpunit/dbunit ~1.3
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.5
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension ~1.0
shop shopware
4.3.6 http://http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.1
- doctrine/orm 2.4.1
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.3
- monolog/monolog 1.6.0
- php >=5.3.2
- rhumsaa/array_column ~1.1
- symfony/config 2.4.10
- symfony/console 2.4.10
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.4.10
- symfony/filesystem 2.4.10
- symfony/finder 2.4.10
- symfony/http-kernel 2.4.10
- symfony/validator 2.4.10
The Development Requires
- behat/behat @stable
- behat/mink @stable
- behat/mink-extension @stable
- behat/mink-goutte-driver @stable
- behat/mink-sahi-driver @stable
- phpunit/dbunit @stable
- phpunit/phpunit @stable
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension *
shop shopware
4.3.5 http://http://www.shopware.comShopware is the next generation of open source e-commerce software made in Germany
AGPL-3.0 proprietary
The Requires
- doctrine/common 2.4.1
- doctrine/dbal 2.4.1
- doctrine/orm 2.4.1
- ext-curl *
- ext-gd *
- ext-mbstring *
- ircmaxell/password-compat 1.0.3
- monolog/monolog 1.6.0
- php >=5.3.2
- rhumsaa/array_column ~1.1
- symfony/config 2.4.10
- symfony/console 2.4.10
- symfony/dependency-injection 2.4.10
- symfony/filesystem 2.4.10
- symfony/finder 2.4.10
- symfony/http-kernel 2.4.10
- symfony/validator 2.4.10
The Development Requires
- behat/behat @stable
- behat/mink @stable
- behat/mink-extension @stable
- behat/mink-goutte-driver @stable
- behat/mink-sahi-driver @stable
- phpunit/dbunit @stable
- phpunit/phpunit @stable
- sensiolabs/behat-page-object-extension *
shop shopware