Telegram-Bot for videofiles download
- [x] Youtube (Video & mp3)
- [x] Twitter (Video)
- [x] Facebook (Video)
- [x] Misc. other video platforms (supported by youtube-dl)
- [x] php >= 5.5
- [x] Composer
- [x] MySQL-datebase
- [x] FFMpeg (needs to be executable by the webserver)
- [x] mp4box (needs to be executable by the webserver)
- [x] youtube-dl (needs to be executable by the webserver)
- [ ] Webserver with valid SSL certificate (for webhook)
Get the files
Composer only
composer create-project schnoog/mediatelegram
, (*1)
Git & Composer
-Create the target directory and cd into it
-Clone this repo
git clone .
-Install the composer depencies
composer install
, (*2)
Prepare & Config
- Import the structure.sql delivered with telegram-bot
- Import the sql-Code mentioned in FirstSteps/Database_Setup.txt
- Create and edit the config.php
cp include/config.php.dist include/config.php
Manual call
Simply open the getUpdatesCLI.php
php getUpdatesCLI.php
or open it in you browser on your webserver
getUpdatesCLI.php, (*3)
Open the sethook.php with supplied secret $Config['seccode'] in your browser
This will install the webhook and every new command sent to the server will be processed, (*4)