Another PHP based URL shortener., (*1)
To create a new shurl instance, the project can be initialized through composer, just run the following command:, (*2)
composer create-project ricwein/shurl -s dev
Initializing the Database structure can be done two ways. Either run the static queries from resources/database/database.sql, or use the init
commandline tool., (*3)
This tool requires you, to first setup your wished database configuration! This can be done, as described in Configuration. A valid Database-user is required, and needs either: the database to be already existing, or rights to create a new one., (*4)
bin/shurl init
Since this tool, acknowledges your database-configuration, the resulting database-structure is customizable! use table-prefixes, custom charsets, or even another database name!, (*5)
The default configuration is stored in src/Config/Config.php $__config
Array, but can be overwritten by adding a config-file at config/config.yml
It should has the following format:, (*6)
username: usernamehere
prefix: shurl_
enabled: true
This way it's possible, to override each single setting., (*7)
You can copy an example file to start with, (*8)
cp config/example.config.yml config/config.yml
For some features, shurl need to know your webservers Domain and Path to shurl.
This URL can be set inside the described configfile:, (*9)
rootURL: https://fancy.url
Adding a new URL
Adding a new URL to the shortener Server is done with the bundled CLI tool. Just run bin/shurl url:add
, and follow the instructions.
For more Informations see bin/shurl url:add --help
., (*10)
Remove an URL
Removing an URL from the list, is as easy as adding one. Execute bin/shurl url:remove
from your command line should do the job., (*11)
List available URLs
A list of all currently available URls can be accessed through: bin/shurl url:show
, (*12)
There are several different routes, which are supported by shurl., (*13)
/ The root displays a welcome message
/{slug} redirects to a given url
/preview/{slug} shows a resolved-URL preview
/api/{slug} exposes a simple JSON api (
Method), which provides access to the resolved URL
"slug": "shurl",
"original": "https:\/\/"