9999999-devPacky is an open source tool to validate if your dependencies are up 2 date. Packy is based on the Symfony framework.
The Requires
- twig/extensions 1.*
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle ^1.2
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ~2.0
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle dev-master
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle 1.1.*
- php >=7.0
- symfony/symfony 3.3.*
- symfony/swiftmailer-bundle ^2.3.10
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^3.1.0
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0.19
- guzzlehttp/guzzle ^6.0
- knplabs/knp-menu-bundle ^2.1
- friendsofsymfony/user-bundle ^2.0
- ornicar/gravatar-bundle ^1.1
- knplabs/github-api ^1.7
- m4tthumphrey/php-gitlab-api ^8.0
- gentle/bitbucket-api ^1.0
- twig/twig ^2.0
- composer/semver ^1.4
The Development Requires
- sensio/generator-bundle ^3.0
- symfony/phpunit-bridge ^3.0
- phpro/grumphp ^0.8
- roave/security-advisories dev-master
- sensiolabs/security-checker ~3.0
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^2.2
- phpstan/phpstan ^0.7
- phpstan/phpstan-doctrine ^0.7
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer ^2.8
- escapestudios/symfony2-coding-standard ^2.10
composer bower npm dependencies pip yarn
1.0.9999999.9999999-devPacky is an open source tool to validate if your dependencies are up 2 date. Packy is based on the Symfony framework.
The Requires
- php >=5.5.9
- symfony/symfony 3.0.*
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle ^1.2
- symfony/swiftmailer-bundle ^2.3
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^2.8
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ~2.0
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle dev-master
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle 1.1.*
- twig/extensions 1.*
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 6.0.*
- knplabs/knp-menu-bundle 2.1.*
- friendsofsymfony/user-bundle dev-master
- ornicar/gravatar-bundle 1.1.*
- knplabs/github-api 1.5.*
- m4tthumphrey/php-gitlab-api 7.13.*
- gentle/bitbucket-api 0.8.*
The Development Requires
composer bower npm dependencies pip
1.0.0 is an open source tool to validate if your dependencies are up 2 date. Packy is based on the Symfony framework.
The Requires
- php >=5.5.9
- symfony/symfony 3.0.*
- doctrine/orm ^2.5
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle ^1.6
- doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle ^1.2
- symfony/swiftmailer-bundle ^2.3
- symfony/monolog-bundle ^2.8
- sensio/distribution-bundle ^5.0
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle ^3.0.2
- incenteev/composer-parameter-handler ~2.0
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle dev-master
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle 1.1.*
- twig/extensions 1.*
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 6.0.*
- knplabs/knp-menu-bundle 2.1.*
- friendsofsymfony/user-bundle dev-master
- ornicar/gravatar-bundle 1.1.*
- knplabs/github-api 1.5.*
- m4tthumphrey/php-gitlab-api 7.13.*
- gentle/bitbucket-api 0.8.*
The Development Requires
composer bower npm dependencies pip