9999999-devA drop-in static site bundle
The Requires
v1.0.0 drop-in static site bundle
The Requires
A drop-in static site bundle
Site:, (*1)
Add static-site-bundle to your composer.json, (*2)
{ "require": { "peachpope/static-site-bundle": "dev-master" } }
Next run a composer update $ php composer.phar update peachpope/static-site-bundle, (*3)
Add PeachpopeStaticSiteBundle to the app/AppKernel.php file., (*4)
class AppKernel extends Kernel { public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new PeacHPope\Web\StaticSiteBundle\PeachpopeStaticSiteBundle(), ) } }
In the config.yml file add a section for peachpope_static_site followed by the two options of bundle and folder. The bundle would be the bundle shortname housing the twig files. Folder would be the specific folder (located under Resources/views) where the static content lives. These default to the PeacHPope StaticSite Bundle., (*5)
Accepting defaults:, (*6)
peachpope_static_site: bundle: ~ folder: ~
Using Acme Bundle, (*7)
peachpope_static_site: bundle: AcmeWebBundle folder: Homepage
Given the Acme example this defines that the twig web content lives in AcmeWebBundle\Resources\views\Homepage., (*8)
A drop-in static site bundle
A drop-in static site bundle