dimtec project, (*1)
This library can be found on Packagist. The recommended way to install and use this is through Composer. On GitHub on the GitHub, (*2)
composer create-project oscarfabian/prueba=dev-master
```<?php, (*3)
require_once DIR . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; // Autoload files using Composer autoload, (*4)
use CallWeather\callApi;, (*5)
$city = 'City'; $appID = callApi::setAppId('Your-app-id'); $weatherCity = callApi::getCityWeather($city); callApi::pr($weatherCity); //use to print data, (*6)
Example of getting the weather by Coordinates ============================================= ```<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; // Autoload files using Composer autoload use CallWeather\callApi; $appID = callApi::setAppId('Your-app-id'); $lat = 'latitude'; $lon = 'longitude'; $weatherCoor = callApi::getCoorWeather($lat,$lon); callApi::pr($weatherCity); //use to print data