9999999-devNot a framework. An opinionated collection of PHP libraries and some simple glue code binding them together.
The Requires
- symfony/http-foundation ^4.0
- symfony/console ^4.0
- symfony/http-kernel ^4.0
- twig/twig ^2.4
- league/container ^2.4
- tedivm/stash ^0.14.2
- monolog/monolog ^1.23
- league/event ^2.1
- league/route ^3.0
- zendframework/zend-diactoros ^1.8
- doctrine/orm ^2.6
- vlucas/phpdotenv ^2.5
- league/flysystem ^1.0
- filp/whoops ^2.2
- vlucas/valitron ^1.4
- matthewbdaly/proper ^0.0
The Development Requires
- phpunit/phpunit ^7.0
- mockery/mockery ^1.0
- psy/psysh ^0.8.18
- php-coveralls/php-coveralls ^2.1
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer ^3.3
by Matthew Daly
0.0.4 a framework. An opinionated collection of PHP libraries and some simple glue code binding them together.
The Requires
- symfony/http-foundation ^4.0
- symfony/console ^4.0
- symfony/http-kernel ^4.0
- twig/twig ^2.4
- league/container ^2.4
- tedivm/stash ^0.14.2
- monolog/monolog ^1.23
- league/event ^2.1
- league/route ^3.0
- zendframework/zend-diactoros ^1.8
- doctrine/orm ^2.6
- vlucas/phpdotenv ^2.5
- league/flysystem ^1.0
- matthewbdaly/proper ^0.0
- filp/whoops ^2.2
- vlucas/valitron ^1.4
The Development Requires
- phpunit/phpunit ^7.0
- mockery/mockery ^1.0
- psy/psysh ^0.8.18
- php-coveralls/php-coveralls ^2.1
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer ^3.3
by Matthew Daly
0.0.3 a framework. An opinionated collection of PHP libraries and some simple glue code binding them together.
The Requires
- symfony/http-foundation ^4.0
- symfony/console ^4.0
- symfony/http-kernel ^4.0
- twig/twig ^2.4
- league/container ^2.4
- tedivm/stash ^0.14.2
- monolog/monolog ^1.23
- league/event ^2.1
- league/route ^3.0
- zendframework/zend-diactoros ^1.8
- doctrine/orm ^2.6
- vlucas/phpdotenv ^2.5
- league/flysystem ^1.0
- matthewbdaly/proper ^0.0.3
- filp/whoops ^2.2
- vlucas/valitron ^1.4
The Development Requires
- phpunit/phpunit ^7.0
- mockery/mockery ^1.0
- psy/psysh ^0.8.18
- php-coveralls/php-coveralls ^2.1
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer ^3.3
by Matthew Daly
0.0.2 a framework. An opinionated collection of PHP libraries and some simple glue code binding them together.
The Requires
- symfony/http-foundation ^4.0
- symfony/console ^4.0
- symfony/http-kernel ^4.0
- twig/twig ^2.4
- league/container ^2.4
- tedivm/stash ^0.14.2
- monolog/monolog ^1.23
- league/event ^2.1
- league/route ^3.0
- zendframework/zend-diactoros ^1.8
- doctrine/orm ^2.6
- vlucas/phpdotenv ^2.5
- league/flysystem ^1.0
- matthewbdaly/proper ^0.0.3
- filp/whoops ^2.2
- vlucas/valitron ^1.4
The Development Requires
- phpunit/phpunit ^7.0
- mockery/mockery ^1.0
- psy/psysh ^0.8.18
- php-coveralls/php-coveralls ^2.1
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer ^3.3
by Matthew Daly
0.0.1 a framework. An opinionated collection of PHP libraries and some simple glue code binding them together.
The Requires
- symfony/http-foundation ^4.0
- symfony/console ^4.0
- symfony/http-kernel ^4.0
- twig/twig ^2.4
- league/container ^2.4
- tedivm/stash ^0.14.2
- monolog/monolog ^1.23
- league/event ^2.1
- league/route ^3.0
- zendframework/zend-diactoros ^1.8
- doctrine/orm ^2.6
- vlucas/phpdotenv ^2.5
- league/flysystem ^1.0
- matthewbdaly/proper ^0.0.3
- filp/whoops ^2.2
- vlucas/valitron ^1.4
The Development Requires
- phpunit/phpunit ^7.0
- mockery/mockery ^1.0
- psy/psysh ^0.8.18
- php-coveralls/php-coveralls ^2.1
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer ^3.3
by Matthew Daly