Projecte php learning Manel GavaldĂ
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This is where your description should go. Try and limit it to a paragraph or two, and maybe throw in a mention of what PSRs you support to avoid any confusion with users and contributors., (*2)
Via Composer, (*3)
``` bash $ composer require manelgavalda/php-learning, (*4)
## Usage Create "tests" folder with "index.php" and "database.php" on it. tests/index.php ``` php <?php use Manelgavalda\Myframework\core\Request; use Manelgavalda\Myframework\core\Router; require __DIR__ .'/../vendor/manelgavalda/php-learning/src/core/bootstrap.php'; require Router::load(__DIR__ .'/../vendor/manelgavalda/php-learning/src/controllers/routes.php')->direct(Request::uri());
tests/database.php ``` php <?php, (*5)
//Modificar indicant les teves variables d'entorn., (*6)
return [ 'dbtype' => 'mysql', 'dbname' => 'prova', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'dbhost' => '' ]; ```, (*7)
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently., (*8)
Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details., (*9)
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker., (*10)
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information., (*11)