9999999-devModern High performance AOP and Coroutine PHP Framework, base on Swoole 2
The Requires
- php >=7.0
- swoft/framework ^1.0
- swoft/rpc ^1.0
- swoft/rpc-server ^1.0
- swoft/rpc-client ^1.0
- swoft/http-server ^1.0
- swoft/http-client ^1.0
- swoft/websocket-server ^1.0
- swoft/task ^1.0
- swoft/http-message ^1.0
- swoft/view ^1.0
- swoft/cache ^1.0
- swoft/redis ^1.0
- swoft/console ^1.0
- swoft/devtool ^1.0
- swoft/session ^1.0
- swoft/i18n ^1.0
- swoft/process ^1.0
- swoft/memory ^1.0
- swoft/service-governance ^1.0
- limingxinleo/swoft-trait-instance ^1.0
- limingxinleo/x-phalcon-enum ^1.1
- ext-swoole >=2.1
- limingxinleo/x-swoole-queue ^1.1
- swoft/db ^1.1
The Development Requires
php swoole swoft
1.1.21 High performance AOP and Coroutine PHP Framework, base on Swoole 2
The Requires
- php >=7.0
- ext-swoole >=2.1
- swoft/framework ^1.0
- swoft/rpc ^1.0
- swoft/rpc-server ^1.0
- swoft/rpc-client ^1.0
- swoft/http-server ^1.0
- swoft/http-client ^1.0
- swoft/websocket-server ^1.0
- swoft/task ^1.0
- swoft/http-message ^1.0
- swoft/view ^1.0
- swoft/db ^1.1
- swoft/cache ^1.0
- swoft/redis ^1.0
- swoft/console ^1.0
- swoft/devtool ^1.0
- swoft/session ^1.0
- swoft/i18n ^1.0
- swoft/process ^1.0
- swoft/memory ^1.0
- swoft/service-governance ^1.0
- limingxinleo/swoft-trait-instance ^1.0
- limingxinleo/x-phalcon-enum ^1.1
- limingxinleo/x-swoole-queue ^1.1
The Development Requires
php swoole swoft
dev-features/cacheableModern High performance AOP and Coroutine PHP Framework, base on Swoole 2
The Requires
- php >=7.0
- ext-swoole >=2.1
- swoft/framework ^1.0
- swoft/rpc ^1.0
- swoft/rpc-server ^1.0
- swoft/rpc-client ^1.0
- swoft/http-server ^1.0
- swoft/http-client ^1.0
- swoft/websocket-server ^1.0
- swoft/task ^1.0
- swoft/http-message ^1.0
- swoft/view ^1.0
- swoft/db ^1.1
- swoft/cache ^1.0
- swoft/redis ^1.0
- swoft/console ^1.0
- swoft/devtool ^1.0
- swoft/session ^1.0
- swoft/i18n ^1.0
- swoft/process ^1.0
- swoft/memory ^1.0
- swoft/service-governance ^1.0
- limingxinleo/swoft-trait-instance ^1.0
- limingxinleo/x-phalcon-enum ^1.1
- limingxinleo/x-swoole-queue ^1.1
The Development Requires
php swoole swoft
1.1.20 High performance AOP and Coroutine PHP Framework, base on Swoole 2
The Requires
- php >=7.0
- ext-swoole >=2.1
- swoft/framework ^1.0
- swoft/rpc ^1.0
- swoft/rpc-server ^1.0
- swoft/rpc-client ^1.0
- swoft/http-server ^1.0
- swoft/http-client ^1.0
- swoft/websocket-server ^1.0
- swoft/task ^1.0
- swoft/http-message ^1.0
- swoft/view ^1.0
- swoft/db ^1.1
- swoft/cache ^1.0
- swoft/redis ^1.0
- swoft/console ^1.0
- swoft/devtool ^1.0
- swoft/session ^1.0
- swoft/i18n ^1.0
- swoft/process ^1.0
- swoft/memory ^1.0
- swoft/service-governance ^1.0
- limingxinleo/swoft-trait-instance ^1.0
- limingxinleo/x-phalcon-enum ^1.1
- limingxinleo/x-swoole-queue ^1.1
The Development Requires
php swoole swoft
1.0.3 High performance AOP and Coroutine PHP Framework, base on Swoole 2
The Requires
- php >=7.0
- ext-swoole >=2.1
- swoft/framework ^1.0
- swoft/rpc ^1.0
- swoft/rpc-server ^1.0
- swoft/rpc-client ^1.0
- swoft/http-server ^1.0
- swoft/http-client ^1.0
- swoft/websocket-server ^1.0
- swoft/task ^1.0
- swoft/http-message ^1.0
- swoft/view ^1.0
- swoft/db ^1.0
- swoft/cache ^1.0
- swoft/redis ^1.0
- swoft/console ^1.0
- swoft/devtool ^1.0
- swoft/session ^1.0
- swoft/i18n ^1.0
- swoft/process ^1.0
- swoft/memory ^1.0
- swoft/service-governance ^1.0
- limingxinleo/swoft-trait-instance ^1.0
- limingxinleo/swoft-db-model ^1.0
- limingxinleo/x-phalcon-enum ^1.1
The Development Requires
php swoole swoft