A naive and simple implementation for Policy classes., (*1)
- Avoid nested if's in your code.
- Aggregate conditional logic in once place.
How to use?
Create a class that extends AbstractPolicy, (*2)
use JcFrane\Policy\AbstractPolicy;
class BlogPolicy extends AbstractPolicy
Create methods inside the your Policy class that represent each
conditional logic for the said policy., (*3)
use JcFrane\Policy\AbstractPolicy;
class BlogPolicy extends AbstractPolicy
public function canCreate($subject)
$this->allow($subject->canCreate, 'Cannot create a subject.');
public function canView($subject)
$this->allow($subject->canView, 'Cannot view the subject.');
public function canDelete($subject)
$this->forbid($subject->canDelete, 'Cannot delete the subject.');
public function canUpdate($subject)
$this->forbid($subject->canUpdate, 'Cannot update the subject');
Evaluate your Policy Class, (*4)
use JcFrane\Polcy\PolicyChecker;
use Some\Namespace\BlogPolicy;
$checker = new PolicyChecker();
$subject = new \stdClass();
$subject->canCreate = true;
$subject->canView = false;
$subject->canDelete = true;
$subject->canUpdate = false;
$result = $checker->check(BlogPolicy::class, $subject, 'create'); // returns true
$result = $checker->check(BlogPolicy::class, $subject, 'view'); // throws JcFrane/PolicyViolationException
$result = $checker->check(BlogPolicy::class, $subject, 'delete'); // returns true
$result = $checker->check(BlogPolicy::class, $subject, 'update'); // throws JcFrane/PolicyViolationException
That's it! You can now create multiple policy classes that aggregates your conditional logic inside your code., (*5)
The allow() and forbid() methods
The allow() accepts a boolean and a violation message. If first argument is true, then the check() will return true. Otherwise, will throw a ViolationException., (*6)
The forbid() accepts a boolean and a violation message. If first argument is false, then the check() will throw a ViolationException. Otherwise, will return true., (*7)
$ composer install jcfrane/policy