Equity Bank eazzy api library
Eazzy API is a platform that features new and disruptive capabilities. It converts Equity’s full range of expertise in payments, banking, insurance, brokerage, wealth management and telco into simple to use and secure APIs for ready integrations to mobile apps, e-commerce sites and other systems. Below are the main services offered, (*1)
To install just run, (*2)
$ composer require ictianspecialist/equity
<?php use Equity\Equity\Equity; $consumer_key = 'your-consumer-key'; $consumer_secret = 'your-consumer-secret'; $equity = new Equity($consumer_key,$consumer_secret);
try{ $phone_number = '0719xxxxxx'; $amount = 50; $provider = 'safaricom'; $reference = 'artme-1'; $equity->buyAirtime($phone_number,$amount,$provider,$reference); }catch(\Exception $e){ print_r($e->getMessage()); }
try{ $destination = [ 'accountNumber'=>123456, 'bicCode'=>'KCBLKENX005', 'mobileNumber'=>'', 'walletName'=>'Doe acc.', 'bankCode'=>'KCBL', 'branchCode'=>'006' ]; $transfer = [ "countryCode" => "KE", "currencyCode" => "KES", "amount" => "200", "paymentType" => "", "paymentReferences" => ['referees','refereed','reedee'], "remarks"=>"Thanks for your business" ]; $reference = 'item_001011'; $sender_name = 'Hosea Kangogo'; $equity->sendMoney($destination,$transfer,$reference,$sender_name); }catch(\Exception $e){ print_r($e->getMessage()); }