Additional repeaters for PyroCMS 3 Repeater Field Type.
Additional repeaters for PyroCMS 3 Repeater Field Type., (*1)
Require using composer: composer require fryiee/pyro-repeater-validators
, (*2)
Add use statement in your own FormBuilder:, (*3)
use Fryiee\RepeaterValidators\ValidateFieldValueMinimumAmount; use Fryiee\RepeaterValidators\ValidateFieldValueMaximumAmount; use Fryiee\RepeaterValidators\ValidateFieldValueAmount; use Fryiee\RepeaterValidators\ValidateFieldWithLaravelRules;
Add 'rules' and 'validators' array with handler to the fields in your FormBuilder: e.g., (*4)
'phones' => [ 'validators' => [ 'validate_max_number_of_field' => [ 'handler' => ValidateFieldValueMaximumAmount::class, 'message' => false, ], ], 'rules' => [ 'validate_max_number_of_field:main,true,1' ], ],
'phones' => [ 'validators' => [ 'validate_min_number_of_field' => [ 'handler' => ValidateFieldValueMinimumAmount::class, 'message' => false, ], ], 'rules' => [ 'validate_min_number_of_field:main,true,1' ], ],
'phones' => [ 'validators' => [ 'validate_number_of_field' => [ 'handler' => ValidateFieldValueAmount::class, 'message' => false, ], ], 'rules' => [ 'validate_number_of_field:main,true,1' ], ],
'logs' => [ 'validators' => [ 'validate_with_laravel_rules' => [ 'handler' => ValidateFieldWithLaravelRules::class, 'message' => false, ], ], 'rules' => [ 'validate_with_laravel_rules:ip_address,ip,`,string' ], ]
, (*5)
e.g phone_number,12345678,3
would mean that exactly 3 of the phone_number fields in the repeater form would have to be equal to 12345678., (*6)
, (*7)
e.g phone_number,12345678,3
would mean that at most 3 of the phone_number fields in the repeater form would have to be equal to 12345678., (*8)
, (*9)
e.g phone_number,12345678,3
would mean that at least 3 of the phone_number fields in the repeater form would have to be equal to 12345678., (*10)
, (*11)
e.g phone_number,string,`,numeric,`,in:1,2,3,4,5,6
would mean that phone_number would need to be string, numeric and be within the given array of values., (*12)