2017 © Pedro PelĂĄez

project tatooine

Start point for new projects



Start point for new projects

  • Friday, December 22, 2017
  • by flaviojr
  • Repository
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  • 2 Stars
  • 4 Installations
  • PHP
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  • 2 Versions
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Start point for newer projects. Build with Laravel and Vue :ok_hand:, (*1)

Some cool stuff:

  • Authorization implemented with Laravel Auth
  • Security schema for management of user and their permissions
  • Some cool reusable Vue components, such as a Datagrid and Action (buttons and anchors)
  • Custom Menu for each user
  • Controller to show/hide buttons and anchors(with Action component)


To get going you only need to do the following:, (*2)

``` sh $ composer install $ cp .env.example .env $ php artisan key:generate $ php artisan migrate && php artisan db:seed $ npm install $ npm run dev $ ./vendor/bin/phpunit $ php artisan serve, (*3)

# Usage #### Seeds All your routes (resources/permissions) must me mapped in the database, so that the permission control can work properly. To create new resources and their permissions you have to register them in `ResourcesPermissionsSeeder` class. This is simply done by: ``` php $this->createNewResource(['users' => 'User management'], [ 'index' => 'Users list', 'create' => 'Creates new user', 'edit' => 'Update user info', 'delete' => 'Delete a user', 'details' => 'Manage user profiles' ]);

Note: Tatooine only accept routes in the resource/permission/{parameters} format., (*4)

Note: You can change the method description, Tatooine will update it info. You can also delete a permission, just remove it from the permissions array., (*5)

To run the seeder you can use the command: $ php artisan resource:run, (*6)

Custom configuration

Tatooine provides a flexible way to design your routes. You can easily set in your .env like the following:, (*7)

BASE_ROUTE='tatooine' //Used as the first part of your route. Ex.: yoursystem.com/tatooine/home
MIX_BASE_ROUTE='security' //This one is used by JS to append on AJAX calls
CUSTOM_HOME='home' //Where the application goes when is accessed and after login

Now Tatooine knows how to map your routes., (*8)

Helper functions

There is a Helper class (in app/Helper.php) where are two useful global methods * baseUrl: Retrieves your application full url with your base_route(Ex.: yoursystem.com/tatooine). This function have an optional parameter $complement, wich can be used to complement your base route (Ex.: yoursystem.com/tatooine/users/create), (*9)

  • home: Simple function to return the full path of your custom home route

Tatooine super classes

Tatooine comes with three super classes: Model, Repository and Request. The application use them instead of the native classes of Laravel for aditional funcionalities. They live on Core namespace(Ex.:Core\Model), (*10)

  • Model: Has just one method, getFilterColumns(), wich returns the $filterColumns array containing the "filterable" columns and the corresponding operator for the filter to use. This array must be defined in your Model classes like bellow: php $filterColumns = [ 'usr_name' => 'like', 'usr_enabled' => '=' ]
    • Request: Simple extend it and define rules() method, more details on the laravel documentation: https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/validation#form-request-validation
    • Repository: Accepts an Model instance. Has one public method, listModel([]). You may use it for retrieve paginated and filtered data. You can call any other Eloquent\Model method, the Repository class will pass the call to its Model instance (unless a method with the same name is defined in it)
    • Tip: Use the listModel method in combination with DataGrid component(described bellow).

Available Vue components

Tatooine comes shipped with two reusable components, Action and DataGrid., (*11)


<action></action>, (*12)

This component can render a button/anchor dynamically, based on the user permissions. The usage is simle as below: ``` html Criar novo usuĂĄrio , (*13)

 Action props:
 * **action**: The url to the action. In an anchor it will be an `href`. Action will use it to check permissions
 * **aclass**: Will aply `class` to the anchor/button
 * **icon(optional)**: Will set an icon to the button
 * **type**: Action component will use this to determine if it will render a anchor or a button. Possible values are: 'anchor' and 'button'

 Action events:
 * **btn-clicked**: When action type is 'button', the Action component attach a btn-clicked event to the `click` native event so that you can control what it will do. Then you can listen to the event like below:
 ``` js
 doSomethingWithThis (url) {
  //Whatever you want

Note: The component has a slot inside the anchor/button tag. So that you can pass additional info inside the component, (*14)


<data-grid></data-grid>, (*15)

This component renders a paginated grid, with filter options. Also, you can define actions for each row. The usage:, (*16)

``` html <data-grid url="{{baseUrl('/users/list')}}" primary-key="usr_id" :user-fields="{usr_name: 'User', usr_email: 'E-mail', usr_username: 'Username', usr_enabled: 'Status'}" :user-filters="{ usr_name: {type: 'text', size: 4}, usr_enabled: {type: 'select', size: 3, options: {1: 'Enabled', 0: 'Disabled'}} }" :actions="[ {method: 'edit', url: 'users/edit'}, {method: 'delete', url: 'users/delete'}, {method: 'details', url: 'users/details'} ]" :mutators="{usr_enabled: {0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Enabled'}}", (*17)

DataGrid props: * **url**: You API to retrieve the data to DataGrid. * **primary-key**: This will be used in the grid actions as a parameter, must be a present field on the data retrieved from the server. * **user-fields**: The fields that the DataGrid will show. Has the `{field_name: 'fieldTitle'}` format. * **actions**: You may define three type of actions: edit, delete and details. DataGrid will render delete action as a button and the other two will be anchors. In each action you must pass the url for the action. The DataGrid will pass the `primaryKey` as the parameter for each url. * **user-filters**: To setup the filters you have to pass an object with info for each field. You must pass the type of the filter and it's size(just a number between 1 and 12, DataGrid will automatically convert to bootstrap grids classes). The type can be 'text', 'number' or 'select'. For 'select' type will have to define also its options, like bellow: js options: {1: 'Option one', 2: 'Option 2'} ```, (*18)

Note 1: The object key is used as the filter value, (*19)

Note 2: This filter feature will be improved to allow other input types(such as 'checkbox' and 'radio, (*20)

  • mutators: To change how data is going to be visualized you can apply the mutators, just a simple key-value mechanism, you pass the value and the corresponding information to show. Like in the pattern: {usr_enabled: {0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Enabled'}}

The Versions

22/12 2017



Start point for new projects

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The Requires


The Development Requires

laravel framework

22/12 2017


The Laravel Framework.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

laravel framework