XMLNuke Command Line Project
Enables run an existing XMLNuke module from the command line without
to make changes in your module., (*1)
Project Level, (*2)
composer require "byjg/xmlnuke-cmdline=dev-master"
Entire System, (*3)
composer global require "byjg/xmlnuke-cmdline=dev-master"
The syntax is:, (*4)
runxmlnuke.php SCRIPT PARAMETERS
for example:, (*5)
runxmlnuke.php xmlnuke <FOLDER_APP> module=Lesson1.Sample1 raw=json xpath=//mediaitem
The parameter SCRIPT can be:, (*6)
xmlnuke - Run a typical XMLNuke module with all parameters
ws - Run a class that implements a SOAP interface. See more here.
daemon - Create a Linux Daemon Service. More details below.
Running a SOAP Service
The SOAP service in command line only work invoking the web method through a GET request. The command line will be something like:, (*7)
runxmlnuke.php ws <FOLDER_APP> ws=/Lesson1.SOAP.SampleWebService svc=getEcho "text=Some Text"
Create Daemon/Services with XMLNuke
A Service is a program that runs infinitely.
You can create a service in XMLNuke by implementing a class with a method execute()
This method, does not need to create a Loop. XMLNuke will do a loop for you., (*8)
Example:, (*9)
namespace Lesson1\Classes;
class Service
protected $loop = 0;
public function execute()
echo $this->loop ."\n";
return true;
This method must return true
to continue the service or false
to stop it. To run this daemon:, (*10)
sudo runxmlnuke.php daemon service=Lesson1.Classes.Service &
The service will run silently, but will create TWO log files:
* /var/log/xmlnuke.daemon/Lesson1.Classes.Service.log - All output from the service
* /var/log/xmlnuke.daemon/Lesson1.Classes.Service.error.log - All errors generated by the service., (*11)
Create a init service
You can create a service in the Linux system just copying this file inside the folder /etc/init
, (*12)
Example: sample.conf, (*13)
description "Sample Daemon"
author "JG"
# used to be: start on startup
# until we found some mounts weren't ready yet while booting:
start on started mountall
stop on shutdown
# Automatically Respawn:
respawn limit 99 5
exec /opt/xmlnuke/utils/cmdline/runxmlnuke.sh daemon <FOLDER_YOUR_APP> service=Lesson1.Classes.Service
Now you can start or stop the service using:, (*14)
service sample start
or, (*15)
service sample stop
Putting all together
Service: https://github.com/byjg/xmlnuke-lesson1/blob/master/lib/Lesson1/Classes/Service.class.php
Init Conf: https://github.com/byjg/xmlnuke-lesson1/blob/master/conf/sample.conf