Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you.
This is a command line tool for easy generation of fake data in a static way., (*1)
As a Phar (Recommended)
You can find the latest phar on the releases page., (*2)
$ wget https://github.com/bit3/faker-cli/releases/download/1.4/faker.phar
$ ./faker.phar
As a Composer Install
$ composer create-project bit3/faker-cli
$ cd faker-cli
$ ./bin/faker.php
Parameters and arguments
$ ./bin/faker.php
--locale (-l) # The locale to used. (default: "en_US")
--seed (-s) # The generators seed.
--pattern (-p) # The printf pattern. (default: "%s")
--delimiter (-d) # The delimiter is used by the csv and printf format.
--enclosure (-e) # The enclosure is used by the csv and printf format.
--escape (-E) # The escape character is used by the printf format. (default: "\\")
--format (-f) # The output format (json, xml, csv, php, printf, vprintf) (default: "printf")
--count (-c) # The count of generated data. (default: 1)
<type> # The data type to generate (e.g. "randomDigit", "words", "name", "city")
<args1>..<argsN> # Arguments for the type, e.g. "words 5" will generate 5 words.
Single value generator example
$ ./bin/faker.php word
Multi value generator example
$ ./bin/faker.php --count 5 words 2
You can use different output formats by definint the --format
option. JSON is the default format., (*3)
JSON output
$ ./bin/faker.php word
$ ./bin/faker.php --count 5 words 2
XML output
$ ./bin/faker.php --format xml word
CSV output
$ ./bin/faker.php --format csv word
PHP output
$ ./bin/faker.php --format php word
array (
0 => 'culpa',
1 => 'consequatur',
2 => 'quisquam',
3 => 'recusandae',
4 => 'asperiores',
5 => 'accusamus',
6 => 'nihil',
7 => 'repellat',
8 => 'vero',
9 => 'omnis',
printf and vprintf output
The printf and vprintf output are mostly equal. But printf
is designed for single value generator types e.g. safeEmail
and vprintf
is designed for multi value generator types e.g. words 5
., (*4)
$ ./bin/faker.php --format printf \
--pattern "INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), %s);" \
--enclosure "'" \
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), 'dbednar@example.com');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), 'xhettinger@example.net');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), 'gerald62@example.org');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), 'miles91@example.com');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), 'to\'conner@example.com');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), 'bridgette.runolfsdottir@example.com');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), 'fgoldner@example.org');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), 'grimes.leo@example.org');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), 'lilian.reynolds@example.net');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), 'ratke.darlene@example.net');
./bin/faker.php --format vprintf \
--pattern "INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), %s, %s, %s);" \
--enclosure "'" \
words 3
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'est', 'illo', 'consequuntur');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'dolorem', 'temporibus', 'commodi');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'sint', 'reiciendis', 'sint');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'sunt', 'eum', 'id');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'tempora', 'rerum', 'occaecati');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'corrupti', 'impedit', 'doloribus');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'amet', 'consectetur', 'repudiandae');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'est', 'id', 'amet');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'odio', 'facere', 'nesciunt');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'voluptas', 'quia', 'rerum');
You can also use printf
with multi value generator types, which will joined by the --delimiter
char, which is ,
by default., (*5)
$ ./bin/faker.php --format printf \
--pattern "INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), %s);" \
--delimiter ' / ' \
--enclosure "'" \
words 10
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'est / illo / consequuntur / dolorem / temporibus / commodi / sint / reiciendis / sint / sunt');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'eum / id / tempora / rerum / occaecati / corrupti / impedit / doloribus / amet / consectetur');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'repudiandae / est / id / amet / odio / facere / nesciunt / voluptas / quia / rerum');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'ad / sed / esse / sed / exercitationem / sed / et / rem / esse / excepturi');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'animi / minus / qui / perferendis / quo / repudiandae / aliquam / dolorem / voluptas / fugiat');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'at / odit / dolorem / a / aperiam / dignissimos / ipsa / sunt / consequatur / alias');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'accusantium / voluptatum / autem / nobis / cumque / neque / modi / iure / voluptatem / error');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'molestiae / consequatur / alias / eligendi / corrupti / illum / commodi / molestiae / aut / repellat');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'id / quisquam / et / sit / consequuntur / aut / et / ullam / asperiores / molestiae');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'cupiditate / culpa / voluptatem / et / mollitia / dolor / sit / nisi / praesentium / qui');
It is recommend to use the --enclosure
option. each occurrence of the --enclosure
char will be escaped with the --escape
char, which is \\
by default., (*6)
Build your own Phar
Install and run php-box:, (*7)
$ curl -LSs https://box-project.github.io/box2/installer.php | php
$ ./box.phar build
Faker Command Line Tool is released under the MIT Licence. See the bundled LICENSE file for details., (*8)