Ttree.Serializer - Package for TYPO3 Flow to convert PHP object to and from JSON
, (*1)
This package can be used to convert PHP object to and from JSON. The current version support object tree, but no
circular references, as there is no way to represent this kind of reference in a JSON file., (*2)
Use DI to inject the Ttree\Serializer\SerializerInterface
where you need it:, (*3)
class ObjectUtility {
* @Flow\Inject
* @var \Ttree\Serializer\SerializerInterface
protected $serializer;
* @param object $object
* @return string
public function save($object) {
$json = $this->serializer->serialize($object);
* @param string $string
* @return object
public function load($string) {
$json = $this->serializer->unserialize($string);
Skip property
The serializer will only include gettable properties. Transient property in a Doctrine entity are skipped automaticaly., (*4)
You can skip any property by using the Ttree\Serializer\Annotations\Skip
., (*5)
Functional Programming
You can also use directly the objects Ttree\Serializer\Json\Serialize
and Ttree\Serializer\Json\Serialize
in a
functionnal style programming:, (*6)
$serialize = new Serialize();
$json = $serialize(array('Hello', 'World'));
$unserialize = new Unserialize();
$array = $unserialize('["Hello","World"]')