, (*1)
Neos CMS package to help Editors and Administrators to manage Jobs. Jobs can be anything:, (*2)
- Import data from external source
- Export data (CSV, ...)
- Analytics
- ...
Works with Neos CMS 1.2-2.0+. This package is Composer ready, PSR-2 and PSR-4 compliant., (*3)
Currently this package is under development and version 1.0 is not out, breaking change can happen, (*4)
The package provide a backend module with a simple interface where Editors or Administrators can:, (*5)
- [x] View all available Jobs
- [x] Manual Job execution
- [x] Pass options to a Job before manual execution
- [x] Filter job list by searching
- [x] Filter job list by tagging
- [x] Job can produce files (export), use the
- [ ] Create web hook to trigger job execution from external source
- [ ] Schedule a Job (integrate with Ttree.Scheduler)
- [ ] View the execution history for a given Job
, (*6)
Check the issue tracker to follow ongoing features., (*7)
composer require "ttree/jobbutler"
How to register a new Job
A Job is a PHP class based on JobConfigurationInterface
. By default you can use the AbstractJobConfiguration
abstract class that offer nice defaults and helpers for general usage., (*8)
You can create a simple class like this one:, (*9)
$sideNode = $context->getNode('/sites/yoursite');
$flowQuery = new FlowQuery(array($sideNode));
$flowQuery = $flowQuery->find('[instanceof TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Page]');
$writer = Writer::createFromFileObject(new \SplTempFileObject());
'identifier' => 'Identifier',
'title' => 'Page Title'
foreach ($flowQuery as $node) {
/** @var NodeInterface $node */
'identifier' => $node->getIdentifier(),
'title' => $node->getProperty('title')
$this->writeDocument($this->getOption('document', 'export.csv'), $writer);
return true;
public function getPackageKey()
return "Vendor.PackageKey";
The method ```DocumentJobTrait::writeDocument``` will automatically create a new AssetCollection name "Export"
(check [Settings.yaml](Settings.yaml) to change the asset collection name). Generated document are stored outside
of the public resource folder, check [Settings.yaml](Settings.yaml) to change the default path.
Now create a XLIFF file name ```Jobs.xlf``` in the same package, with the following content:
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<file original="" product-name="Your.Package" source-language="en" datatype="plaintext">
<trans-unit id="" xml:space="preserve">
<source>Export all Pages</source>
<trans-unit id="your.package.jobconfiguration.exportdocumentjob.description" xml:space="preserve">
<source>Export a single CSV file with all Pages identifier and title.</source>
You can extend this Job to get data from Google Analytics and you have a nice spreadsheet to work on Content Inventory ..., (*10)
Now go to the backend module, you should see your Job, ready for execution., (*11)
'icon': 'circle-arrow-down'
'wizardFactoryClass': 'Your\Package\JobConfiguration\Wizard\ExportProfileByReportWizard'
Currently the following settings are supported by AbstractJobConfiguration
:, (*12)
- icon (string), default 'task'
- tags (array), default emtpy array
- wizardFactoryClass (string), default null
- privilegeTarget (string), default null
- asynchronous (boolean), default false
Adding a configuration Wizard before executing a Job
Your Job need to provide a Form factory to render the form:, (*13)
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getWizardFactoryClass()
return 'Your\Package\JobConfiguration\ExportDocumentWizard';
Provide a simple Factor:, (*14)
namespace Your\Package\JobConfiguration;
* Export Profile Index Job
class ExportDocumentWizard extends AbstractFormFactory {
* @param array $factorySpecificConfiguration
* @param string $presetName
* @return \TYPO3\Form\Core\Model\FormDefinition
public function build(array $factorySpecificConfiguration, $presetName) {
$formConfiguration = $this->getPresetConfiguration($presetName);
$form = new FormDefinition('options', $formConfiguration);
$page = $form->createPage('page');
$reportIdentifier = $page->createElement('reportIdentifier', 'TYPO3.Form:SingleLineText');
$reportIdentifier->setLabel('Report Identifier');
$reportIdentifier->addValidator(new NotEmptyValidator());
return $form;
The ``RenderViewHelper``` take care for the finisher configuration and arguments processing., (*15)
: Override the system maximum excution time from the php.ini (default: 300)
Development sponsored by ttree ltd - neos solution provider., (*16)
We try our best to craft this package with a lots of love, we are open to sponsoring, support request, ... just contact us., (*17)
The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information., (*18)