9999999-devA TYPO3 Flow Logger Backend to send log the the Chrome Console
The Requires
0.9 TYPO3 Flow Logger Backend to send log the the Chrome Console
The Requires
A TYPO3 Flow Logger Backend to send log the the Chrome Console
The Logger Backend can display your application in the Chrome Console, with the extension "Chrome Logger"., (*1)
, (*2)
You need to configure the Logger Backend in Settings.yaml
::, (*3)
TYPO3: Flow: log: systemLogger: backend: 0: 'TYPO3\Flow\Log\Backend\FileBackend' 1: 'Ttree\ChromeLogger\Log\Backend\ChromeConsoleBackend' backendOptions: 0: logFileURL: '%FLOW_PATH_DATA%Logs/System_Development.log' createParentDirectories: TRUE severityThreshold: '%LOG_INFO%' maximumLogFileSize: 10485760 logFilesToKeep: 1 logMessageOrigin: FALSE 1: severityThreshold: '%LOG_CRIT%'
By default the package use a grouped output to show log on mulitple lines:, (*4)
, (*5)
You can use the default system logger provided by Flow, but you can also inject the ChomeLoggerServive
in your own class., (*6)
Check the following code for some example:, (*7)
$this->chromeLoggerInstance->log('Foo'); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->info('Foo'); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->warn('Foo'); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->error('Foo'); // You can group your log entry, groupCollapsed method for a more compact rendering $this->chromeLoggerInstance->group('String'); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->log('Foo'); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->log(array('Foo')); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->groupEnd(); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->group('Table'); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->table('Foo'); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->table(array('Foo')); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->groupEnd(); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->group('Object'); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->log($this->request->getHttpRequest()); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->log(new \DateTime()); $this->chromeLoggerInstance->groupEnd();
Warning: HTTP Header are limited to 256kb, currently if you hit the limit, you wont see any logs in the console., (*8)
, (*9)
Feel free to open issue if you need a specific feature and better send a pull request. Here are some idea for future improvements:, (*10)
Development sponsored by ttree ltd - neos solution provider., (*11)
Licensed under GPLv3+, see LICENSE, (*12)
A TYPO3 Flow Logger Backend to send log the the Chrome Console
A TYPO3 Flow Logger Backend to send log the the Chrome Console