, (*1)
This package provides basic CQRS/ES infrastructure for TYPO3 Flow., (*2)
Its purpose is to provide inspiration for writing your own customized set of tools for working with CQRS/ES. I do not recommend using this package without understanding the underlaying concepts first., (*3)
$ composer require flow2lab/eventsourcing dev-master
Commands define the interface to your domain model. They enter the command bus and will then be handled (sync/async) by command handlers. Commands do never return any data, thus the interface for handling commands is of type void
., (*4)
Defining commands
You can define a command by extending from Flow2Lab\EventSourcing\Command\Command
(I will soonish update the code base to use the CommandInterface
instead, but until then you need to inherit from Command
). The command has a commandId
that can be used for logging purposes, if so desired., (*5)
namespace Vendor\Foo\Command;
use Flow2Lab\EventSourcing\Command\Command;
* Any doc comment will be part of the CLI documentation!
class AddInventoryItemToBasket extends Command {
* @var string
public $basketId;
* You will see this in the CLI!
* @var string
public $inventoryItemId;
* @param string $basketId
* @param string $inventoryItemId
public function __construct($basketId, $inventoryItemId) {
$this->basketId = $basketId;
$this->inventoryItemId = $inventoryItemId;
Command handlers
Command handlers execute commands coming from the command bus. They are part of your application layer and only orchestrate the domain model. Their job is to resolve dependencies and pass them to the domain model., (*6)
You can define a command handler by implementing the interface Flow2Lab\EventSourcing\Command\Handler\CommandHandlerInterface
. Alternatively, you can extend the Flow2Lab\EventSourcing\Command\CommandHandler
that will provide a default implementation for normal handlers., (*7)
The command handler provided by flow2lab.EventSourcing has a naming convention for handler methods: handle<CommandName>Command
. The command name is the simple class name. To avoid conflicts, it is furthermore necessary that the namespace for the command handler is CommandHandler
and Command
for the commands. See the example folder structure and implementation below., (*8)
- Vendor
- Foo
- CommandHandler
- BasketCommandHandler.php
- Command
- AddInventoryItemToBasket.php
Here is the BasketCommandHandler implementation, handling the AddInventoryItemToBasket command., (*9)
namespace Vendor\Foo\CommandHandler;
use Vendor\Foo\Command\AddInventoryItemToBasket;
use Vendor\Foo\Domain\Repository\BasketRepository;
use Flow2Lab\EventSourcing\Command\CommandHandler;
use TYPO3\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
* @Flow\Scope("singleton")
class BasketCommandHandler extends CommandHandler {
* @var BasketRepository
* @Flow\Inject
protected $basketRepository;
* @param AddInventoryItemToBasket $command
protected function handleAddInventoryItemToBasketCommand(AddInventoryItemToBasket $command) {
// let's assume it exists
$basket = $this->basketRepository->find($command->basketId);
The command bus
In order to get commands handled by their command handler, the command bus is used. You can inject the command bus in event handlers or ActionControllers. The following example illustrates the usage within an ActionController., (*10)
namespace Vendor\Foo\Controller;
// ... NS imports
class BasketController extends ActionController {
* @var InternalCommandBus
* @Flow\Inject
protected $commandBus;
* @param string $basketId
* @param string $inventoryItemId
public function addInventoryItemToBasketAction($basketId, $inventoryItemId) {
// exceptions can and will be thrown here, catch accordingly
// at least, until error handling is implemented
$this->commandBus->handle(new AddInventoryItemToBasket(
// redirect
Ideally, you would write a TypeConverter to automatically convert e. g. POST data to commands, handling them in a single ActionController., (*11)
Working with the CLI
By default, all commands are exposed via the Flow CLI. Once defined, you can use, (*12)
$ ./flow help
$ ./flow help foo:addinventoryitemtobasket
$ ./flow foo:addinventoryitemtobasket --basket-id="2" --inventory-item-id="1"
to view the required parameters for any given command and execute them., (*13)
To disable command CLI access, edit the Settings.yaml
of your project like this:, (*14)
enabled: false
Alternatively, you can hide the commands from normal CLI users by marking them as internal. That way the commands are still accessible but no longer printed by ./flow help
., (*15)
enabled: true
markAsInternal: true
Domain events are created by aggregates, retrieved by repositories, stored in an event store and published through the event bus. They are the single source of truth in an event sourced model and define your models state., (*16)
Defining events
An event is defined by extending from Flow2Lab\EventSourcing\Event\DomainEvent
. Please note that the constructor of the parent class must be called in order to generate the date when the event occurred (I'm still debating over doing this with e. g. AOP)., (*17)
namespace Vendor\Foo\Domain\Event;
use Flow2Lab\EventSourcing\Event\DomainEvent;
class InventoryItemToBaskedAdded extends DomainEvent {
* @var string
public $basketId;
* @var string
public $inventoryItemId;
* @param string $basketId
* @param string $inventoryItemId
public function __construct($basketId, $inventoryItemId) {
$this->basketId = $basketId;
$this->inventoryItemId = $inventoryItemId;
Repositories are used to save and retrieve aggregates. The naming convention from Flow also applies here. The BasketRepository
for the aggregate Basket
looks like this:, (*18)
namespace Vendor\Foo\Domain\Repository;
use Flow2Lab\EventSourcing\Store\Repository;
use TYPO3\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
* @Flow\Scope("singleton")
class BasketRepository extends Repository {}
The default event store backend is the EventStoreBackend
for EventStore. You can implement the StoreBackendInterface
and use the Objects.yaml
to use your own implementations., (*19)
The event bus
The event bus should normally only be used by the repository. I will add some interfaces soonish that enable the configuration for different queues, depending on whether events have to be handled asynchronously or synchronously., (*20)
Event handlers
Similar to command handlers, event handlers handle events that are published on the event bus. Event handlers are subscribed to one or more domain events. To create an event handler and have it listen to events, implement the EventHandlerInterface
(async) or ImmediateEventHandlerInterface
(sync) interface. The event bus will then, depending on the interface, push events into a queue or directly pass them on for handling (will soon be done through different queues, API shouldn't change though)., (*21)
Usually you would use event handlers for dealing with eventual consistency or things like sending emails. The following example illustrates the usage of the AbstractEventHandler
, and its conventions., (*22)
Defining an event handler
namespace Vendor\Foo\Service;
// ... NS imports
class InformingCustomerAboutAddedInventoryItemService extends AbstractEventHandler implements ImmediateEventHandlerInterface {
* @var array
protected $subscribedToEvents = [
* @param InventoryItemToBaskedAdded $event
protected function handleInventoryItemToBaskedAddedEvent(InventoryItemToBaskedAdded $event) {
// this is probably a bad idea to do, but certainly possible
// needs some more checking though ;)
$this->flashMessageContainer->addFlashMessage('Hi! The inventory item "' . $event->inventoryItemId . '" has been added to your basket.');
In event sourced environments, aggregates are reconstructed using domain events only! You can create an aggregate class by implementing Flow2Lab\EventSourcing\AggregateRootInterface
. The trait Flow2Lab\EventSourcing\AggregateSourcing
contains behaviour that will satisfy the interface and provides a sane default implementation for your aggregates., (*23)
You can instantiate new aggregate instances like any other class in php. Please note that there is NO automatic identifier generation. The trait AggregateSourcing
adds a property $identifier
but does not fill it. When thinking about commands, you will most likely want to generate the aggregates identifier before sending out an command., (*24)
$basket = new Basket('123');
Publishing new domain events
Once created, you can publish domain events. Domain events are only published from within an aggregate (or entity)., (*25)
public function addInventoryItem($inventoryItemId) {
// business logic
// validation logic
$this->applyNewEvent(new InventoryItemToBaskedAdded($this->identifier, $inventoryItemId));
Now when saving this aggregate in a repository, the new events are written to the event store., (*26)
Loading aggregates from an event stream
Normally, the repository will handle the loading of existing aggregates for you. However, when testing you might want to load them manually. The trait AggregateSourcing
implements the static method loadFromEventStream
which will instantiate and apply events., (*27)
$existingBasket = Basket::loadFromEventStream([
new BasketCreated(123),
new InventoryItemToBaskedAdded(123, 1)
The trait will then instantiate a new instance of Basket
without calling its constructor, then apply each event. To do so, you have to implement event applying methods. The convention for this is on<EventName>
., (*28)
* @param BasketCreated $event
protected function onBasketCreated(BasketCreated $event) {
$this->identifier = $event->basketId;
* @param InventoryItemToBaskedAdded $event
protected function onInventoryItemToBaskedAdded(InventoryItemToBaskedAdded $event) {
$this->inventoryItems[] = $event->inventoryItemId;
The trait will also throw an exception, if an event cannot be applied due to a missing apply method. You might want to be less strict in this regard, when dealing with CRUD only parts of your model, where you have no business logic attached to certain properties. This way you can get the distilled business logic in your model, without any noise., (*29)
The Basket aggregate
namespace Vendor\Foo\Domain\Model;
// ... NS imports
class Basket implements AggregateRootInterface {
use AggregateSourcing;
* @var array<string>
protected $inventoryItems = [];
* @param string $basketId
public function __construct($basketId) {
$this->applyNewEvent(new BasketCreated($basketId));
* @param string $inventoryItemId
public function addInventoryItem($inventoryItemId) {
// business logic
// validation logic
$this->applyNewEvent(new InventoryItemToBaskedAdded($this->identifier, $inventoryItemId));
* @param BasketCreated $event
protected function onBasketCreated(BasketCreated $event) {
$this->identifier = $event->basketId;
* @param InventoryItemToBaskedAdded $event
protected function onInventoryItemToBaskedAdded(InventoryItemToBaskedAdded $event) {
$this->inventoryItems[] = $event->inventoryItemId;
Entities are very similar to aggregates (technically), however they are maintained and owned by an aggregate. The lifecycle of entities is the responsibility of the aggregate and you must only ever access entities through the aggregate., (*30)
Entities must implement the Flow2Lab\EventSourcing\EntityInterface
, the trait Flow2Lab\EventSourcing\EntitySourcing
provides behaviour., (*31)
When creating an entity, you must register the entity with the aggregate:, (*32)
public function onSomeThingsHappened(SomeThingsHappened $event) {
$entity = new Entity(..);
$this->entities[$entity->getIdentifier()] = $entity;
Note how the aggregate is handling the event that creates the entity, not the entity. This is why there are no checks inside the method Entity::__construct
, as this is like a method that applies events., (*33)
class Entity implements EntityInterface {
use EntitySourcing;
public function __construct($entityId) {
$this->identifier = $entityId;
This ensures that events are also forwarded to each entity. Entities must then expose which events they are subscribed to by implementing canApplyEvent
., (*34)
public function canApplyEvent(DomainEvent $event) {
if ($event instanceof EntityEvent) {
return ($event->entityId === $this->identifier);
return FALSE;
Applying events works exactly like replaying events in aggregate roots., (*35)
At the moment, the only store backend implemented is EventStore. You can implement the StoreBackendInterface
and use the Objects.yaml
to use your own implementations., (*36)
Projections, also known as query model, are used to query data inside an event sourced environment. Basically, they are nothing but event handlers that update some query optimized database., (*37)
todo: add some example for the MysqlProjector, (*38)
Message queues can be used to handle commands and events asynchronously or synchronously. At the moment, the only working queue is the ImmediateQueue
that handles messages synchronously. My plan is to use TYPO3.Jobqueue in the future (no need to re-invent the wheel)., (*39)
Currently, there are two serializers implemented:, (*40)
- ArraySerializer: Converts messages into an array
- JsonSerializer: Converts messages into a json string
todo: write about how event sourced models are tested (hint: it's not by using getters ;)), (*41)
- Finish this documentation
- Exception handling in every handler (command/event/projection)
- Implement snapshots
- Write tests for the package (yes, this is entirely untested, but it works :o!)
Flow2Lab.EventSourcing is released under the MIT license., (*42)