Adds some Twitter Bootstrap 3 functionality to Neos content elements, (*1)
Clone this repository into your application folder:, (*2)
* cd ROOT/Packages/Application
* git clone DMF.BootstrapContent
Then check if the plugin needs to get activated inside of your package management. Check if the plugin is listed:, (*3)
./flow package:list
./flow package:activate dmf/bootstrapcontent
Use of Bootstrap menu and breadcrumb in your site package
You can use the bootstrap specific menu and breadcrumb inside of your Root.ts2 with following sample code:, (*4)
page = Page {
body {
parts {
menu = Menu {
templatePath = 'resource://DMF.BootstrapContent/Private/Templates/TypoScriptObjects/MainMenu.html'
websiteName = 'Your website Name'
entryLevel = 1
maximumLevels = 4
breadcrumb = TypoScript:Template {
templatePath = 'resource://DMF.BootstrapContent/Private/Templates/TypoScriptObjects/Breadcrumb.html'
items = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents())}
Include JS and CSS from the package
The JavaScript and CSS is available inside of the Resources/Public/assets/* folder. You can add the JS source like this:, (*5)
<script src="{f:uri.resource(path: 'assets/jquery/jquery.min.js', package: 'DMF.BootstrapContent')}"></script>
<script src="{f:uri.resource(path: 'assets/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js', package: 'DMF.BootstrapContent')}"></script>
For the inclusion of CSS I recommend the use of Grunt as a task planer and build the CSS with processing the LESS files. They are available
inside of Resources/Public/assets/bootstrap/less/*, (*6)