9999999-dev API for Yireo extensions in Magento
The Requires
- php >=5.4.0
The Development Requires
by Jisse Reitsma (Yireo)
Magento library offering a Form API. Currently this is only meant for Yireo extensions., (*1)
Use composer to install this extension. First make sure to initialize composer with the right settings:, (*2)
composer -n init composer install --no-dev
Next, modify your local composer.json file:, (*3)
{ "require": { "yireo/magento1-formapi": "dev-master", "magento-hackathon/magento-composer-installer": "*" }, "repositories":[ { "packagist": false }, { "type":"composer", "url":"" }, { "type":"composer", "url":"" } ], "extra":{ "magento-root-dir":"/path/to/magento", "magento-deploystrategy":"copy" } }
Make sure to set the magento-root-dir
properly. Test this by running:, (*4)
composer update --no-dev
Done., (*5)
Form API for Yireo extensions in Magento