Ultimate Module Creator
Because of lack of time, motivation and because Magento2 is already a mature platform, I'm deciding to pull the plug on this module creator.
There will be no updates, no new features., (*1)
Feel free to fork it, make it better and redestribute it. , (*2)
New Ultimate Module Creator for Magento 1.7 +
This is the new version of Ultimate Module Creator., (*3)
This should be the version 2.0 of the Magento extension but I'm keeping this version for the Module Creator for Magento 2.0., (*4)
Backwards compatibility has been broken., (*5)
If someone wants to help with the testing please submit any bugs, improvements or feature requests here, (*6)
Also any good code is welcomed., (*7)
For the rest of the document UMC = Ultimate Module Creator, (*8)
Documentation can be found on the wiki pages.
The documentation includes a list of features and release notes, (*9)