9999999-devMagento module which adds some ajax features.
0.1.0 module which adds some ajax features.
Magento module which adds some ajax features.
This modules adds AJAX_
handles if the request is performed using ajax call., (*1)
It also adds a simple JSON response of the category view., (*2)
You have to write your own ajax if you want to make it works., (*3)
Javascript example:, (*4)
(function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { // Catalog Category View if ($('.catalog-category-view').length) { // If we have a load more button var $more = $('.js-load-more'); if ($more.length) { // On click on this button $ () { // Call the next page url in ajax var pagerData = {}; pagerData[$more.attr('data-page-var-name')] = $more.attr('data-next-page'); $.getJSON( { url: $more.attr('data-url'), dataType: 'json', data: pagerData, success: function (data) { // Disable if last page if (data.is_last_page) { $more .attr('disabled', true) .addClass('disabled') ; } // Insert products $('.product-list').append(data.body); // Update next page $more.attr('data-next-page', data.next_page); } } ); }); } } }); })(jQuery);
You can also use the handles to perform some updates on the page in ajax mode., (*5)
Example:, (*6)
<AJAX_catalog_category_view> <reference name="product_list"> <!-- Change template of the product list --> <action method="setTemplate"> <template>catalog/product/list_ajax.phtml</template> </action> </reference> </AJAX_catalog_category_view>
Magento module which adds some ajax features.
Magento module which adds some ajax features.