A module for extended widget options in Magento 1.
Magento Widget extension add some useful features to the Magento_Widget module., (*1)
Products, (*2)
The product part of the system is based around the widget of type manners_widgets/products
This widget is defined in the xml file app/code/community/Manners/Widgets/etc/widget.xml
The widget comes with a chooser with the helper type manners_widgets/catalog_product_widget_chooser
., (*3)
The chooser is based from the Magento standard chooser Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Widget_Chooser
but to make it work with mass actions the following has been changed:, (*4)
,The chooser will end up using the controller app/code/community/Manners/Widgets/controllers/Adminhtml/Product/Multiple/WidgetController.php
This controller is again the same as the standard Mage_Adminhtml_Catalog_Product_WidgetController
apart from it uses manners_widgets/catalog_product_widget_chooser
to build the grid., (*5)
The class app/code/community/Manners/Widgets/Block/Catalog/Product/Massaction.php
is used to extend the JavaScript for row and button selection.
This will make sure that the varienGridMassaction
is updated correctly and the selection is taken into account., (*6)
There is also an extension of the standard JavaScript under js/manners/adminhtml/widgets.js
for the following:, (*7)
to set new parameter with the text value no id value of the row,