9999999-devPHPCS check before commit
The Requires
by Sergey Gladkovskiy
PHPCS check before commit
Auto installed git pre-commit hook for running PHP Code Sniffer code checking to PSR2 coding standard compliance. It checks only files that are to be committed., (*1)
Inspired by Enforce code standards with composer, git hooks, and phpcs, (*2)
Install smgladkovskiy/phpcs-git-pre-commit
with composer require command:, (*3)
composer require --dev "smgladkovskiy/phpcs-git-pre-commit"
Or alternatively, include a dependency for smgladkovskiy/phpcs-git-pre-commit
in your composer.json file manually:, (*4)
{ "require-dev": { "smgladkovskiy/phpcs-git-pre-commit": "dev-master" } }
To enable code sniff, аdd to post-install-cmd
and post-update-cmd
in composer.json
installation script:, (*5)
"scripts": { "install-hooks": ["sh ./vendor/smgladkovskiy/phpcs-git-pre-commit/src/"], "post-install-cmd": ["@install-hooks"], "post-update-cmd": ["@install-hooks"] }
Then run composer install
or composer update
. pre-commit
hook will be installed or updated if it already exists., (*6)
Run git commit
and pre-commit hook will check your committed files like if you run, (*7)
php phpcs.phar --standard=PSR2 --encoding=utf-8 -n -p /path/to/file.php
Feel free to make pull requests!, (*8)
PHPCS check before commit