, (*1)
, (*2)
Rhinoda Admin Module
Role management,creating CRUD controllers and file manager for Laravel framework, (*3)
1.Change CACHE_DRIVER=array in env., (*4)
2.Remove user table from migration, (*5)
3.Install package, (*6)
composer require rhinoda/admin_module
4.Open your config/app.php and add the following to the providers array:, (*7)
5.In the same config/app.php and add the following to the aliases array:, (*8)
'Entrust' => Zizaco\Entrust\EntrustFacade::class,
6.Run the command below to publish Rhinoda And Entrust files :, (*9)
php artisan vendor:publish
7.Open your config/auth.php and add the following to it:, (*10)
'providers' => [
'users' => [
'driver' => 'eloquent',
'model' => App\Models\User::class,
'table' => 'users',
8.Open your config/app.php and add the following to the providers array:, (*11)
9.Open your config/entrust.php and change path to models for Role and Permission models, (*12)
'role' => 'App\Models\Role',
'permission' => 'App\Models\Permission',
10.Laravel Auth, (*13)
php artisan make:auth
11.Remove Auth Routes from web.php, (*14)
12.Run migration, (*15)
php artisan migrate
### Entrast, (*16)
In this module already created all general models, which will be used., (*17)
For more information about Role-based Permission:, (*18)
Link to package guide, (*19)
### First User, (*20)
php artisan admin:install
### Item creating, (*21)
### CRUD, (*22)
After creation CRUD controller, immediately created:, (*23)
Model in App\Models folder, (*24)
Controller in App\Http\Controllers\Admin folder, (*25)
Requests in App\Http\Requests folder, (*26)
views in resource\views\admin\[crud_name] folder, (*27)
After creation custom controller, immediately created:, (*28)
Controller in App\Http\Controllers\Admin folder, (*29)
views in resource\views\admin\[crud_name] folder, (*30)
File management
Directory: public/admin,, (*31)
You can upload and edit files., (*32)
Rhinoda Admin is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license., (*33)
Contribution guidelines
Support follows PSR-1 and PSR-4 PHP coding standards, and semantic versioning., (*34)
Please report any issue you find in the issues page., (*35)
Pull requests are welcome., (*36)