2017 © Pedro Peláez

kohana-module jam-resource

Kohana resources for Jam ORM which connect routes, controllers and models



Kohana resources for Jam ORM which connect routes, controllers and models

  • Monday, April 14, 2014
  • by hkdobrev
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Resource Jam module for Kohana 3.3

Resources act as a bridge between routes, models and requests., (*1)

The jam-resource module works with the mighty Jam ORM for Kohana 3.3, (*2)

Main Features

  • Define resources in your bootstrap and routes for them would automatically be created
  • Generate urls from model objects or collections
  • Nest resources
  • Access the model object, the model collection or the parent object for the current request
  • Supports slugs with the sluggable behavior in Jam ORM
  • Restrict routes (and actions) to certain HTTP methods
  • Easily build a RESTful API

Defining resources

The simplest way to define a resource:, (*3)

``` php , (*4)

This would generate seven routes which would serve these purposes:
HTTP Verb path action used for
GET /users index display a list of all users
GET /users/new new return an HTML form for creating a new user
POST /users create create a new user
GET /users/1 show display a specific user
GET /users/1/edit edit return an HTML form for editing a user
PUT /users/1 update update a specific user
DELETE /users/1 destroy delete a specific user
As you can see every action has a very specific purpose. Something you might not be used to in the PHP world. Everything is derived from [Ruby on Rails routing](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html). --- You can easily limit the creation of these default routes or add more: **Only specific routes** ``` php array( 'index', 'show' ) )); ``` **Default routes except some** ``` php array( 'destroy', 'edit', 'update' ) )); ``` **Adding additional routes** ``` php array( 'picture', 'collection' => array( 'featured' ) ) )); ``` This would make accessible the following URLs (in addition to the default ones): * /users/1/picture * /users/featured Of course you can use these options together to define those routes your application would need. The routes which a resource would generate are separated in **member** routes and **collection** routes. The collection routes do not have a specific id while the member routes are about a specific resource. --- As said above the resources act as a glue between routes, models and controllers. The model, the controller and the URI paths are derived from the resource name. The `users` resource would guess the controller is `Controller_Users` and the model is `Model_User`. You can easily specify these explicitly: ``` php 'pictures', 'model' => 'image' )); ``` This would still create routes to access the photos on `/photos` and `/photos/1`. But it would use the actions in `Controller_Pictures` and the image model. Changing the path string is achieved using the `path` option: ``` php 'people' )); ``` This would create routes for URIs like: `/people`, `/people/1` etc. while still using the users controller and user model. Accessing resources in controllers ---------------------------------- When you visit `/users` the generated routes would open `Controller_Users::action_index()`. From there you would be able to access a Jam_Collections for the user model with: `$this->request->resource()->collection()` You could also access a Jam_Builder with: `$this->request->resource()->builder()` --- When you visit `/users/1` the routes would open `Controller_Users::action_show()`. From there you could access the specified user model with: `$this->request->resource()->object()` There is no need to check if it is loaded. If there is no user model with the specified id `Jam_Exception_Notfound` would be thrown. Generating URLs --------------- You could also generate the resourceful URLs for a specific model or a collection. Use the ``` php 'edit')); // /users Resource::url('users', array('action' => 'create')); ?>

Child resources

TODO: explain child resources - defining, usage and application, (*5)

Singular resources

TODO: explain what singular resources are and how they should be used, (*6)


You could use the sluggable (TRUE|FALSE) option and the slug_regex to set up the routes to use slugs instead of primary keys., (*7)

TODO: explain sluggable implementation here, (*8)


TODO: explain formats here, (*9)


© Copyright Despark Ltd. 2012, (*10)

License, (*11)

The Versions

14/04 2014


9999999-dev https://github.com/openbuildings/jam-resource

Kohana resources for Jam ORM which connect routes, controllers and models

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The Requires


The Development Requires

orm models resource urls routes resources kohana controllers jam

25/03 2014

0.2.3 https://github.com/openbuildings/jam-resource

Kohana resources for Jam ORM which connect routes, controllers and models

  Sources   Download


The Requires


The Development Requires

orm models resource urls routes resources kohana controllers jam

19/03 2014

0.2.2 https://github.com/openbuildings/jam-resource

Kohana resources for Jam ORM which connect routes, controllers and models

  Sources   Download


The Requires


The Development Requires

orm models resource urls routes resources kohana controllers jam

13/06 2013


dev-3.3/develop https://github.com/openbuildings/jam-resource

Kohana resources for Jam ORM which connect routes, controllers and models

  Sources   Download


The Requires


The Development Requires

orm models resource urls routes resources kohana controllers jam

05/06 2013


dev-3.3/simple https://github.com/openbuildings/jam-resource

Kohana resources for Jam ORM which connect routes, controllers and models

  Sources   Download


The Requires


The Development Requires

orm models resource urls routes resources kohana controllers jam