, (*1)
, (*2)
, (*3)
* Add a like button to any page
* Add a facebook like box to any page
* Add facebook metadata to any page, (*4)
composer require "weboftalent/facebook-tools:~1"
The name of the output directory does not matter, (*5)
Site Configuration
A 'Facebook Metadata' tab will now appear in the Site Config. There you can upload an image that will be shown in Facebook when a link from the site is provided. Otherwise facebook tries to guess from the content., (*6)
Facebook API
Add the following to your Page templates, after the body tag., (*7)
<% include DownloadFacebookJS %>
This will provide the Javascript required to load the Facebook API. It is a necessary step for what follows., (*8)
Insert the following where you would like the Like Button to appear, (*9)
<% include FacebookLikeButton %>
In the head section of your Page template, insert the following:, (*10)
<% include FacebookMetadata %>
This will provide basic metadata extracted from existing page information, and also add the logo if you have provided one in the SiteConfig 'Facebook Metadata' tab., (*11)
Content Types
Create a page of type 'Facebook Like Box Page'. In the Facebook tab, enter the URL of your page (e.g. If you do not do this an error message will appear on the page in the public version of the site., (*12)
Silverstripe Version Compatibility
2.4 only (tested with 2.4.5+) - stable24 branch
3.1, (*13)