Provides a hidden FormField which allows form to validate for non-bot submissions
by checking if the value in that field is correct., (*1)
Maintainer Contact
- Copy the
directory into your main SilverStripe webroot
- Run ?flush=1
As a Standalone Field
If you want to use UniProtect field by itself, you can simply just include it as a field in your form., (*2)
$uniprotectField = new UniProtectField('MyUniProtect');
Integration with Spamprotection module
This requires the SpamProtection
module to be installed, see its documentation for details. You can use this field to protect any built informs on your website, including user comments in the Blog
module., (*3)
Configuration example in mysite/_config/config.yml
, (*4)
default_spam_protector: 'UniProtectProtector'
Then once you have setup this config you will need to include the spam protector field as per the instructions on the SpamProtection
module page., (*5)