9999999-devAdd helper functions to reorder fields in a FieldList
The Requires
silverstripe order fieldlist
Add helper functions to reorder fields in a FieldList
Add helper functions to reorder fields in a FieldList. You can easily move a field to appear before and after other fields., (*1)
Example:, (*2)
public function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); // Move ModeOfAttendance relation before the Day field $fields->moveBefore('ModeOfAttendanceID','Day'); // Move the Intake relation after the ModeOfAttendance relation $fields->moveAfter('IntakeTypeID','ModeOfAttendanceID'); return $fields; }
For the source field parameter (first argument), you can pass in a field or a field name., (*3)
composer require "svandragt/silverstripe-fieldlistmovefield:*"
, (*4)
The code is straightforward so should work on any 3.x installation., (*5)
Add helper functions to reorder fields in a FieldList
silverstripe order fieldlist