This module allows the direct inclusion of uncompiled meta-language dependencies such as CoffeeScript, LESS, and SASS into your project and compiles them at runtime., (*1)
Basic Usage
Just require the dependency in your controller, and use it just like Requirements., (*2)
Limiting the compiling
By default, files are only compiled in "test" and "dev" environments. To limit compiling to specific environments:, (*3)
Specifying target directories
By default, CoffeeScript compiles to project-dir/javascript, and SASS/LESS compiles to themes/my-theme/css, but those paths can be overridden., (*4)
compiled_path: mysite/coffee
compiled_path: mysite/sass
Specifying a path to the "coffee" executable
The /usr/local/bin path is forced into the shell environment by default, but if you need more control over it:, (*5)
coffee_exec: /my/path/to/coffee
Change the modification time tolerance that triggers a compile.
Compiling doesn't happen unless the "last edited" time difference between the raw and uncompiled file is greater than a specific number of seconds (defaults to 5), (*6)
modification_tolerance: 10;
Compiling SASS is exceedingly difficult from within PHP because it is a Ruby gem, so environmental issues are numerous. This module uses a thirdparty PHP compiler for SASS, which is known to have some bugs., (*7)