This module allows you to create a simple contact form to add to a page type. It is highly configurable since the creation of the form happens in the page controller., (*1)
- Integrates with Postmark for bullet-proof email delivery
- Integrates with the Boostrap Forms module
- Includes an API for automatic jQuery validation
- A spam protection API that can be extended with your own spam protection plugins
- Logs failed spam attempts to the database, and locks out repeat offending IPs
The "Kitchen Sink" example
public function ContactForm() {
return ContactForm::create("ContactForm","","You've received a new contact form!")
TextField::create("Name","What is your name?"),
EmailField::create("Email", "What is your email?")
// You can add fields as strings, too.
->addField("Your message//Textarea")
->setSuccessMessage("Thanks for submitting the form!")
->setOnBeforeSend(function($data, $form) {
// Do stuff here. Return false to refuse the form.
->setIntroText("Someone submitted a form. Here's the data.")
->addQuestion("What's the opposite of skinny?","fat")
->addQuestion("Which is bigger, a lake or an ocean?","ocean")
What's with ->render()?
The ContactForm class is not actually a form. It is an object that serves as a proxy manager of a Form object. The ->render() method is critical to send the form to the template., (*2)
The ContactForm module comes with a page type that allows you to easily create contact forms based on user input in the CMS. The ContactFormPage class has fields for the "To" address, success messaging, and more., (*3)
To create a page with a contact form, simply create a descendant of ContactFormPage and call the parent Form() method., (*4)
class MyContactPage extends ContactFormPage {}
class MyContactPage_Controller extends ContactFormPage_Controller {
public function Form() {
return parent::Form()
TextField::create("YourName","Your name"),
EmailField::create("Email","Your email"),
TextareaField::create("Message","Your message")
Setting up Postmark
Simply add your API key and confirmed "from" address to your _config.php., (*5)
Once these settings are in place, the ContactForm module will use Postmark as its delivery method., (*6)
If you have the BootstrapForms module installed, the form will automatically render as a BootstrapForm, unless you tell it otherwise, using ->setUseBootstrap(false), (*7)
Setting the default spam protection
You can set up default spam protection that every form will use, unless configured otherwise., (*8)
_config.php, (*9)
->setHeading("Prove you're human by answering a simple question")
->addQuestion("Is fire hot or cold?", "hot")
->addQuestion("What color is a stop sign?", "red")
->addQuestion("Is water wet or dry?","wet")
->addQuestion("Is the world flat?", "no")
->addQuestion("What animal says \"Meow?\"", "cat"),