A module for managing themes a little more flexibly; by applying a theme to a subtree of a site, by specifying just a partial set of templates to make up a 'theme', and by allowing code be bound to the theme implementation., (*1)
Partial Themes
Allows for the creation of themes that may override only a part of the 'main' theme. For example, assume you have /themes/simple bound as your main project theme, you can specify another theme alongside this which changes a single template. So assuming you wanted to create another theme, eg /themes/simplesimon that only differed in the way products were displayed, rather than specifying a whole new theme, you would provide just the required template., (*2)
Then, inside the CMS, the 'Partial theme' setting field would be set to 'simplesimon'., (*3)
Theme Helpers
Rather than specifying theme specific code in the page controller init method, the module looks for a {ThemeName}Helper
class to call for before init and after init., (*4)
- PartialThemesExtension
- PartialThemesExtension
Project specific requirements
You must have the following defined for the controller(s) that will use partial themes; in particular, the
Page_Controller class, (*5)
public function getViewer($action) {
$viewer = parent::getViewer($action);
$viewer = $this->overridePartialTemplates($viewer, array(), $action);
return $viewer;
Once enabled, Theme settings are available on a page's Settings tab., (*6)