SilverStripe Multisites
, (*1)
Allows for multiple websites to be managed through a single site tree., (*2)
This is an alternative module to the Subsites module; it avoids any session
tracking of the 'current' website, and doesn't perform any query modification
at runtime to change the 'site' context of queries you execute, (*3)
Compatible with SilverStripe 4.0.x, (*4)
- Please see 4.0.x for 3.5 compatibility
- Please see the 1.2.x version for 3.1 compatibility
Upgrading to SS4
The following important changes have happened, (*5)
- Themes must now be explicitly configured in your project config. Set
in yml config. This must be a map of themename: Label
- Site specific Assets folders are not currently supported due to the
fundamental change to asset management. This will be reviewed over time
- Add the module and the multivaluefield module
- Run
Setting up sites (and additional sites)
- In the CMS go to the Pages section and click on the Website
- Enter in the full path to the site in the 'Host' field, without the
lead - eg
or localhost/sub/folder
for a development site
- Hit save
- To add a new site, click the Pages section; you should have an 'Add site'
- Enter details about the new site, the Host field being the most important
name: Label
To support cascading themes, provide a comma-separated list of themes for 'name' in
configuration., (*6)
Assets management
NOTE: This is currently NOT working in SS4 due to the change to the asset
management layer. Once clearer, this will be re-enabled., (*7)
You can optionally manage each site's assets in it's own subfolder of the
root assets/ directory. Add the following extensions in your mysite/config.yml
file and run ?flush=1. When editing a Site in the CMS, you now have the option
to select a subfolder of assets/ to contain all assets for that site. This
folder will be automatically created upon a) saving the site or b) visiting a
page in the cms that has an upload field., (*8)
- MultisitesFileFieldExtension
- MultisitesHtmlEditorField_ToolbarExtension
Files uploaded through the HTMLEditor will now be uploaded into
assets/yoursite/Uploads. If you have custom upload fields in the cms
however, you will need to add the following configuration to them explicitly., (*9)
The above call to useMultisitesFolder() will change the folder name from '
images/page-images' to 'currentsitesubfolder/images/page-images', (*10)
Known issues
When linking to a page that belongs to a different site, SiteTree::Link() will
return a bad link as it prepends the base URL. Currently the best way to work
around this is to implement the following in your Page.php (model class)., (*11)
* Overrides SiteTree->Link. Adds a check for cases where we are linking to a
page on a
* different site in this multisites instance.
* @return String
public function Link($action = null) {
if($this->SiteID && $this->SiteID == Multisites::inst()->getCurrentSiteId()) {
return parent::Link($action);
} else {
return $this->RelativeLink($action);