9999999-dev a custom styled Twitter feed on any SilverStripe page, uses Twitter API v1.1
The Requires
by James Cocker
feed silverstripe twitter
Inserts a custom styled Twitter feed on any SilverStripe page, uses Twitter API v1.1
Allows you to add a custom styled Twitter feed to any page on your SilverStripe website., (*1)
The module uses the new Twitter v1.1 API to grab a specified number of tweets from a specified user, allowing you to output them to custom HTML in a template., (*2)
Add the following lines to your _config.php:, (*3)
// Allows you to have a Twitter feed on any page. Object::add_extension('Page', 'TwitterFeed'); // Fill in the following from your Twitter Application: TwitterFeed::set_consumer_key('XXXXX'); TwitterFeed::set_consumer_secret('XXXXX'); TwitterFeed::set_user_token('XXXXX'); TwitterFeed::set_user_secret('XXXXX'); TwitterFeed::set_username('twitter'); // The Twitter username to get the feed from TwitterFeed::set_tweetcount('4'); // The max number of tweets to display
Use the included as an example for creating your HTML for the template. Important: This basic example is designed to be used as a starting point, and does not meet Twitter's new strict Developer Display Requirements: Please make sure the way you display the Twitter feed meets these requirments or your Twitter app may be banned., (*4)
Thanks to Matt Bailey's SilverStripe Widget:, (*5)
And Matt Harris's Twitter OAuth Library:, (*6)
Inserts a custom styled Twitter feed on any SilverStripe page, uses Twitter API v1.1
feed silverstripe twitter