9999999-devSimple implementation of the campaign monitor API within Silverstripe
The Requires
by Robby Ahn
silverstripe campaign monitor
Simple implementation of the campaign monitor API within Silverstripe
Simple implementation of the campaign monitor API within Silverstripe, (*1)
composer require "tractorcow/silverstripe-campaignmonitor": "3.0.*@dev", (*2)
composer require "campaignmonitor/createsend-php": "v2.5.2", (*3)
Given a hard coded API key, allow the user to select a client from their account, and subsequently a list., (*4)
function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) { // Load base object $resources = new CMResources("my api key"); // Get clients under our account $clients = $resources->Clients()->map(); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.CampaignMonitor', new DropdownField('Client', 'Client', $clients) ); // check if client is available to select if($this->owner->Client && ($client = $resources->getClient($this->owner->Client))) { $lists = $client->Lists()->map(); $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.CampaignMonitor', new DropdownField('DefaultList', 'Default List', $lists) ); } }
Handling subscription details from a form submission, (*5)
public function subscribe($data, $form) { $listID = SiteConfig::current_site_config()->DefaultList; $resources = new CMResources("my api key"); if($resources && $listID && $list = $resources->getList($listID)) { $this->addUserToList($data, $list); Director::redirect($this->Link('thanks')); } // Error handling here } protected function addUserToList($data, $list) { if(empty($list)) return; // Create subscriber $fields = array( 'EmailAddress' => $data['Email'], 'Name' => $data['FirstName'], 'CustomFields' => array( 'LastName' => $data['LastName'], 'Company' => $data['Company'], 'Phone' => $data['Phone'], 'Mobile' => $data['Mobile'] ), 'Resubscribe' => true, 'RestartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders' => true ); $subscriber = new CMSubscriber(null, $fields, $list); $subscriber->Save(); }
Get a list of all sent campaigns for a client including from name, from email, reply to email, web version URL, ID, subject, name, date sent, and the total number of recipients., (*6)
See the [Campaign Monitor API documentation] ( for more information., (*7)
public function Campaigns() { $resources = new CMResources("my api key"); if($resources && $client = $resources->getClient("my client id")) { return $client->Campaigns(); } }
Simple implementation of the campaign monitor API within Silverstripe
silverstripe campaign monitor