9999999-dev super simple convenience module for displaying text and textfields inline in the CMS
The Requires
by Nathan Cox
form cms silverstripe
A super simple convenience module for displaying text and textfields inline in the CMS
This is intended to make any combination of text fields and labels on a single line. Eg for URLSegments prepended by the domain as a label, or for X, Y and Z coordinates for a single location., (*1)
The differences from FieldGroup are a) it takes away the minimum width of fields so things are spaced approriately; and b) if you pass in a string instead of a field it's automatically turned in to a LiteralField, (*2)
No dramatic functionality, just a convenience class for formatting., (*3)
Currently being developed on SilverStripe 3, not tested on 2.x yet., (*4)
GitHub, (*5)
The first argument is the field label. All following arguments should be either instances of FormField or strings to be converted in to LiteralFields., (*6)
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new TextFieldGroup('Map coordinates', $this->getMapLink() . '/', new NumericField("LocationX", "", "", 3), "/", new NumericField("LocationY", "", "", 3) )); $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new TextFieldGroup('Subdomain', 'http://', new TextField("Subdomain", ""), '' ));
Issue Tracker, (*7)
A super simple convenience module for displaying text and textfields inline in the CMS
form cms silverstripe