SilverStripe Sortable Upload Field Module
This module creates a subclass of UploadField that allows for sorting the managed files., (*1)
Also changes the upload interface which is heavily inspired by the more complete but use-specific Gallery module (, (*2)
Still in development., (*3)
Nathan Cox (, (*4)
SilverStripe 3.0+, (*5)
Installation Instructions
- Place the files in a directory called "sortableuploadfield" in the root of your SilverStripe installation
- Visit
By default the field will use the File's Sort attribute for sorting. You'll need to make a subclass of File or Image to give it a sort field and $default_sort:, (*6)
class SlideshowImage extends Image {
static $default_sort = 'Sort ASC';
static $db = array(
'Sort' => 'Int'
static $has_one = array(
'Page' => 'Page'
You can change the name of the sort attribute with $sortableField->setSortField('SortOrderOrWhatever');, (*7)
Known Issues
Issue Tracker, (*8)